Daydream➰Zach Herron

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What is the purpose of dreaming at night?

Daydreams by Medasin

I would say that I do stare at her too much.
But honestly, you can't blame me. She's beautiful, gorgeous, there's no words for it. She doesn't catch me staring, thank god. I can't have her knowing that I like her. I can't have anyone knowing it. Not even my mom. Because, you know moms, they'll go out and tell other moms, and word will get around, and she'll find out your secret.
I think he only person I've told is my friend, Jack. He's two years older than me, and has no idea of who this Kira girl is. He just assumes that she's pretty, but he's not the type of person the judge a girl on their looks.
And believe me, I don't judge girls on their looks. Their personality is just as important, more important in fact.
But, Kira, man, she is something.
The guy who sits next to me, Nathan, snaps his fingers in front of me, repeatedly until he got my attention.
"What?" I asked him, slightly annoyed.
"Stop staring," he laughed. He went back to doing his work. "She has a boyfriend."
"Then whys she staring at me at lunch all the time?" I asked him, quietly so the teacher couldn't hear our conversation.
"Aw, the lovebirds. Well guess what, Connor's dating her, and you know what he'll do to anyone that tries to steal his girl." Nathan shakes his head, laughing. He was probably imagining what would happen to me.
"She treats him like shit anyway, what's it matter?" I asked once again. Man, I just wanted to ask this girl out.
"Bro, you like her. She doesn't like you. If she did, she would've invited you over to her house for God knows what."
"Dude, shut up! She's not that type of person!" I hit his shoulder. His statement caused him to break out into a quiet fit of laughter.
"Man, you need to tell her. If you don't, I bet in three days your ears are gonna pop off, and your hearts gonna explode, and you'll die." He looked me in the eyes.
"Yeah, probably." I sighed, staring in awe at the back of her head.
I knew she heard me.
She walked into the room, setting her supplies on her desk. She sat in front of me, her hair swaying, even when she made the smallest movements.
Kira sat three desk away from me to my right. She found out I liked her, dumped Connor, and then figured out I liked Y/N. Only to realize Connor went out with Jordyn.
To be honest, when I met Y/N, I realized that Kira was that type of person Nathan called her. Y/N was so sweet, and gentle, while Kira was a bitchy, gossip, rich, spoiled girl, who felt that when a strand of her hair stuck out, the world would come crashing down.
She glared at me, I could feel her eyes and the burn they brought. I really didn't care. All I cared about was Y/N. And nobody knew that. Not even Jack. Not Nathan, not Kira.
"Y/N." The teacher called her name, which caused Y/N head to whip up from her drawing she was working on.
"The office wants you, now." The teacher didn't demand it, they didn't sound mad or upset at all.
"Um, okay." She got up from her seat carefully, leaving her drawing out, allowing me to see it. It was beautiful.
"Now, class, open up your textbooks to page 22, and read paragraphs 2, 4, and 6. Then answer questions 45 and 46." I grabbed my textbook, and did as the teacher had told me.
The school day was over, and I didn't see Y/N for the rest of it. And that was totally unusual considering how much she told me she loves school.
I locked my locker, and exited towards the back doors. I lived directly behind the school, so all I had to do was walk up the hill, to my right a little bit, and I was home. It was a regular routine.
But what wasn't so regular was that I saw Y/N crying on the bleachers, her head in her hand.
"Y/N?" I asked her loud enough so she could hear me.
I quickly made my up to her, setting my backpack down and body on the bleachers.
"Hey, Zach." She wiped her eyes, and opened up her notebook. "Was there any work I missed in class?"
"Just a few textbook pages and questions, that's all." I looked at her, unsure of the emotions that were flying inside her brain.
"Um, ok." She wiped her eyes once more, and sniffed.
"Y/N?" I started.
"Why are you crying?"
"It's nothing."
"No, it's definitely not nothing. It's definitely something. Why were you not in class all day?" I asked her, putting my head down to her level.
"I got a phone call today, and apparently, my brother got in a car crash and is actually really injured." She laughed, I didn't know why, probably just to shake off the negative feelings.
Next thing I knew, I had her in my arms, her lips on mine. I didn't know how it happened, it just did. Honestly, it was scary. I didn't know how to do it, especially with a quiet girl like Y/N.
When I finished our kiss, she looked at me blankly, and then happily.
"I dreamed about that." I laughed.
"What's the meanings of dreaming at night if you can just dream in the day?" She looked my in the eyes, and brought me for another kiss.
So there's this guy at my school, two actually, and I swear they're from WDW. There names are Mario and Connor, but Mario looks exactly like Jack, he has the hair and everything. And Connor looks like Daniel! Wtf! I swear, it's them undercover. And to be honest, Mario was looking my butt. 😳😳Smh, boys. 😂

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