Dear Y/N|Part 3

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Dear Y/N,

Hi. Hello. Hey. Sup. Hola. Bonjour.

How are you?

In heaven, you're probably great.

Here? We're terrible.

We don't know what to do.

You were the center of attention, but I loved it. I still love it.

It was rare if you weren't here. We always smiled. Always smiled.

Now, we don't smile at all. 

You don't know how much hope we have lost.

We used it all on you.

When I got the phone call,  I used all mine, hoping that you were okay. The lady on the other line didn't say it was severe. So, I expected nothing bad. I expected you to be sitting on a hospital bed, not terribly injured. Maybe a bad broken bone or something like that, but nothing of what actually happened.

Because it turns out, you were dead. And I'm so mad at myself for accepting that.

I wa the first. Of course, I cried. We all cried.

I wish I had mourned over you longer. But I understood that you hated your relationship with the fans. The awful comments they gave you, the hate pages, the emails.

The thing is, we told you to give your email to the world so people that needed help could get help from you. 

But the only thing that happened was the cause of you hating yourself even more. 

Jack and Daniel, they're still in their room.

They, of course, wrote you letters. In fact, Jack is writing his now. 

I'm sorry my letter is so crappy. I'm sorry it's so bad. 

I'm sorry for never having the best friendship with you. It was you and Zach. You guys were the closest friends in the whole group.

The group was you, me, Corbyn, Zach, Daniel, and Jack. 

Now, it's just Corbyn, me, Zach, Daniel, and Jack. 

You're no longer here. I hope you know that I didn't hate you. It might've seemed like it, but I never hated you. We just never actually sat down and had a real conversation about life. 

I wanted to. I wanted to sit down and talk with you so badly. But I don't know if you ever wanted that. 

I can't sit down and and talk to you now. Well, when we visit your grave, we can, but you can't talk back. 

You were all about talking back. You had an adittude and you knew it.

You loved it.

Nobody underestimated you. Except for the "fans" of course. 

And you. You underestimated you. 

You weren't ugly. You weren't weak. You weren't evil.

You were perfect.

With a smile, you lured people in, and they instantly fell in love with you.

Jack and Daniel didn't love you like that, but they loved you enough to consider you their sister.

You considered them your brothers.

You considered Corbyn your awkward friend you could go for boy help, and you considered Zach the guy you could tell anything. Whether it be periods, or just random stuff.

𝐰𝐝𝐰 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now