Dear Y/N|Thirteen Years Later

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Jonah's POV

I looked to my left to see Lonnie, my wife of 3 years, staring at the beautiful water. The sun gleamed it's rays across the surface, and it shone off her teeth. Her hand was on stomach, a bump forming over the two months of pregnancy. She bit her lip, I knew what she was thinking. And she knew what I was thinking.

Our dog came walking out of the open door way, her feeling lightly hitting the wooden porch, which was surprising considering how old she was. I heard the collar tags clink together, and than felt her walking around my legs, as if she were a cat.

The sunset was red, orange, yellow, and a hint of purple showed. It matched Lonnie's dress, which was a bright pink. Her gorgeous hair descended down her shoulders, framing her beautiful face perfectly.

I linked my hand in hers, remembering all of our memories.

Zach's POV

I laughed at the joke my date told me, my smiling growing wider and wider by the second. She wore something casual, as I had told her to, because we would only go down to the coffee shop around the corner from her apartments.

Ever since the band ended in 2024, I had trouble becoming a solo artist like Corbyn and Jack. Jonah moved on to be a model. Daniel moved on to be an artist, in aesthetics or something like that. But when I met Bella, she instantly flipped a switch that seemed like it programmed me to do my job correctly.

I've made almost 4 albums and 36 singles all in 6 years because of her.
She's the reason I woke up in the morning. She's the reason I eat breakfast. She's the reason I go to the studio and record every day.

I don't live in LA anymore. I live in NYC, away from the other guys. When the band broke up, the other four remained friends, while I distanced myself out, something I definitely regret.

One thing I don't regret, is agreeing to go out with Bella.

Because I swear she looks like someone I knew.

Corbyn's POV

Christina and I were driving around LA, not saying a word. Whenever we fought, we would go on a drive like this, and after it, we would be better.

After this amount of time of love, we couldn't stand a divorce.

I was driving, just around neighborhoods, looking at houses, cars, Christina.

I could tell she was upset.

The reason we fought was because nine months ago, she wanted to go see the grave of a friend that died like 13 years ago.

I told her that we didn't have the money right at the second, but we could later. I didn't mean it offensively, but I forgot about it.

And nine months later, Christina came back to me asking if we could go see her friend.
That leads to now.

The reason we can't go is because I don't have time! I'm a solo artist, I'm busy, and Christina needs to respect that.

As we passed by a bridge, we drove up onto a street with terrible traffic, while it had flying cars.

And if gave me the creeps big time, I just don't know why.

Jack's POV

"Here we go again, here we go again, here we go again." I sang into the mic, ending my last song for the night.

The crowd roared even louder, clapping, screaming, and crying fans waved their arms and phones. I smiled a big smile, and laughed into the microphone. "Goodnight, Phille! I love you so much!" I blew a kiss to the audience, and walked down the stairs, and off the stage.

I took a towel from my dressing room and wiped the sweat off my head. Who knew that at 31 years old, I'd still be performing in front of millions of people, almost every night?

I sighed, possibly the happiest I could ever be, and looked at myself in the mirror.

I smiled, getting rounder by the second.

And then, all of a sudden, I got sad.

This depressing feeling washed over my body, leaving me confused why I was so down.
I even started crying, and I still didn't know why.

Then that's when I realized.

I lost someone truly important.

Daniel's POV

I turn the steering wheel left, taking a turn down the city. As the light turns red, I see people walking around, either with children, or loved ones. I sighed to myself, wondering what would be happening right now if she was still alive.

When the light turns green, I start speeding up, my engine roaring taking the sadness and anger out of me.

Today, thirteen years ago, is the day she died.

Yes, after thirteen years, I still mourn over someone who probably never loved me back.

I go down a long road, ending up at cemetery.

"Here we go." I told myself.

I picked up the bouquet of flowers, roses to be specific, and exited my car.

I sniffed my nose, trying not to cry.

Yes, after thirteen years, I still cry over her.

I walked for about five minutes, lost in my own thoughts, until I realized I had passed her grave already about 3 times.

I chuckled to myself, putting the least amount of effort into making my mind calm and happy.

I looked around, at the trees, the other graves, the broken bench about 12 feet away from me.
"Well Y/N," I said to her. "After thirteen years, I don't really know what to talk about. I've kind of used all my words. But somehow, I manage to come up with something." He wind whistled loudly, making me sniff even more. "Sorry, Y/N/N, I have a cold. But I'm fine, it's ok." I looked at the gray, dull sky.

"Nobody remembers you. It's just me. Not Corbyn, not Jonah, not Jack, not even Zach. Just me. As you probably already know, I'm the only person that still comes to talk to you."

"You know, I think the main reason the band broke up was because of you. Sure, we broke up a long time after you died, but we were still so scarred, so hurt." I wiped my eyes, looking down at the roses.

I looked down at the scars on my wrists, they were clear as day. I hadn't succeeded in it. But I tried though. "I brought you something. You're favorite." And I set them down on the ground near her grave. That's when I found the note.

"Tokyo." It read.

I looked at the back, which had her name on it, the print perfect and neat, like she had wrote it.

And that's when I realized it.
So you can chose whatever ending you want for this. How'd you like it? Honestly, I think I ruined it, but my friend from school gave me the idea for an ending. And depending on your imagination, it can either be a happy ending or sad ending.
I hope you're having a nice day or night wherever you are!

𝐰𝐝𝐰 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now