Love Cycle: Season 2 of Fake Date

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Chapter 1: Beginning 

Megans POV:

"For the last time Cody! Please please? Why cant you begin your career now?? You have the talent! Use it!" I said to my oldest child Cody Bieber.

"No Mom, I dont want to become a singer! I still want my childhood! I dont want to go on tours or studios and mostly play music alright? I want a normal life okay?" he said slamming his door at my face.

"HEY AT LEAST YOU ARE GOING TO A PUBLIC SCHOOL RATHER THAN A PRIVATE ONE!" I yelled.I pouted and walked back downstairs.

Cody refused to have a singing career, although he had the talent. I knew he could sing- everyone knew. He plays drums very well like his father but he doesnt do that in front of the family. Cody was now 14. He was halfway done with middle school. Since he has a nice personality he is actually doing fine in school, he made friends that dont use him for his money or fame. So I wasnt very much worried about him.

On the other hand, Chloe who is just 12- is halfway through the last year of elementary school. I wasnt sure about her personal life.... the kids seem to shut me out of their personal lifes making me feel like a bad parent.

We have family time once a week... Justin and I are still busy with our own music careers. But honestly I was jealous of the Brauns kid. Nick Braun is already in his music career as Yesenia is on her acting career already. But both of them are very close with my kids, since they practically grew up together...

"Ugh he said no- for the millionth time. Maybe we should give up, and let him have his "normal" life" I said to Justin who was on the computer.

"Sucks...What is up with him?" he said without even looking up at me

"I dont even know anymore... he seems to shut me out all the time. You know the kids are a lot better talking to you rather than me right? So you should know" I said crossing my arms

"Well its getting late...Lets get some rest" he said yawning.

"You've been on the computer too much lately.. what are you even doing?" I asked going over to him and watching him on the internet

"Since the kids dont want any fame careers.. I guess we shall find one. Im looking at these teens and kids on youtube- singing. Wow, these people are great at singing like really amazing it just their style, their icon is just not more.. famous enough.. But Im looking for a girl singer though. Some are just too small at age" he said scrolling down on more.

"Wow, and you are even looking for people that sings your songs" I said rolling my eyes

"Yep, its easier to judge that way..." he said smiling

"Justin.... do you think the kids have any problem at school?" I asked

"Dont worry honey. Cody and I are cool and he promised me to look after Chloe- all the time" he said

"Alright then... Lets get some sleep." I said. Justin shut down the computer as we went upstairs. We checked the kids bedroom as Chloe was fast asleep but not Cody. "Cody! Better get to sleep you have school tomorrow- dont be late" I said giving him a warning. Cody ignored me and shut off his ipad and went to sleep or so I assume. "Im a horrible parent" I said ashamed

"Nahh your fine. The kids are in their teenage years so they will come around eventually.." Justin said patting my back. "Goodnight babe, I love you" he said kissing my forehead

"Love you too, goodnight" I said, as we both fell asleep quicker than ever.

Chloes POV:

"Oh my god! Hes right there! Look at him! Look at him!!! Wait no dont look at him,hes looking at you!" My Best Friend Jessica Roberts said. We have been the best of friends since the first grade. She and I just clicked, and we are still best friends till now-6th grade.

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