Chapter 9: Awkward

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Madisons POV:

I knocked on the door of Justins house. I waited for a minute to have Cody answer the door. We starred at each other and didnt say anything or have expression. It was very awkard between us now ever since two days ago we had this.. moment.. of each other...

I guess it didnt mean anything though. Nothing happened...personally.

 He didnt say anything and just turned around and walked away. I went in and closing the door slowly because I was lost in thought about him. This was going to be awkward now... Its best not to talk to him and of course to cause a problem...  To be honest now it felt like we should go back to the point where he hated me because there werent any of this silence.. 

"Morning peeps" I said coming into the living room where Justin was on his laptop and Megan was reading a magazine drinking a sip of her soda. 

"Morning Mads. I hope you are feeling better?" he asked. He meant by the two days ago incident at the concert. 

"Yeah Im still getting over it..." 

"Good thing, Cody was there to comfort you" he said

"WHAT?' I almost screamed, seemed like I yelled too loud to have Megan almost spill her drink. "Uh I mean what?" I said in shock- more calmly this time. 

"Yeah, news are going off that Cody and you were very close to each other. He was comforting you when you cried about what happened on stage.." he said smirking

"How did you know? How did the freaking world know?" I said really confused on this one. 

"There is a picture of you two in the janiters office almost cuddling..." Megan said in disgust and showed me a page about me on the magazine. 

"Oh my god..." I said picking up the magazine. I read the article, and there was a section of the stage food fight ish thing and the picture of Cody comforting me. "Who the hell would take this picture?" 

"Burt.. The Janiter" Justin said laughing his ass off.

"Burt? That freaking JANITER!' I said really pissed off now. Hes too old to know about anything. He is a freaking idiot. "  I want him FIRED!" I said really pissed

"You cant do that. But what I can do is-stay away from Cody. Focus on your career and dont brain wash him" Megan said harshly and walked away. 

"Megan, there is nothing going on between Cody and I. The truth is I cried and broke down backstage and Cody made fun of me, I cried even more and he was scared that he would get into trouble by you guys if he made me cry and and and he put me into the janiters closet and...sort of helped me.. calmed me down" I said stuttering. 

"Fine.. Ill let this one go. Make sure there are no rumors that you and Cody are dating. Thats going to make everyone dislike you both" Megan said stiffly

"What? Why dislike us both? Cody isnt even famous?" I blurted

"Apparently Madison. Now that its been two years working together dont act like you know everything alright? Cody is the oldest son of Justin Bieber making him have some fans. Do not think of him as a normal person when he is just as bigger than other people" she said really pissed. 

Wow.... rude much? 

"Okay. Im sorry" was all I said. Megan gave me stare and went upstairs. 

"Dont worry Mads. She will get over it. She is just over protective on Cody...Well I think this is a good idea though... you getting close with Cody. Its gonna raise your fame dont you think?" Justin said

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