Chapter 20: Cheater

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Chloes POV:

"What the hell is going on here" Cody said behind me. I turned in shock.

"Holy crap, you scared me" I said letting go of Chaz hand instantly. I didnt hear them come in.. Oh my god.

"Yeah well besides that... why the hell were you guys holding hands?" he asked

"I told him what was bothering me... and he felt really bad for me. I was about to cry but he started cheering me up. So thats why" I said trying to sound convincing.

"Are you sure?" he asked one more time

"YES CODY! What else do you think?" I said getting annoyed now.

"Whatever then...Yo Chaz lets get the games on!" he said

"You are so gonna lose" Chaz said. He was about to leave the room until he got one glance at me. By that chance I gave him my fist. He chuckled and laughed.

My body was still frozen on what just happened. It felt weird though. What if Cody found out? It was hard to believe. He will never forgive Chaz and they wil be over. Ugh I was still mad at Chaz for not telling me about everything, but one exciting part was that I wanted to find out about my parents relationship. I was getting really curious. 

I needed alone time with Chaz but sure I wasnt going to get it. Mom and dad and Cody will soon be out of the house tomorow, but I cant wait that long. But I know I hopefully dont have to wait that long.


It was 11pm and people were in their rooms. I would go to Chaz bedroom but today Cody seeing us was too close, so we had to be careful, so I just texted Chaz.

Me: R U awake?

Chaz: I am now.

Me: Sorry for waking u. Go back 2 sleep.

Chaz: I was just kidding haha

Me: U no Im still mad at u..bout that mom dating thing ya no?

Chaz: Cant ya let it go already?

Me: No I cant- I will unless u tell me what made mom and dad break up so much

Chaz: If they wrote a story bout their lives- I wouldnt be in this situation

Me: Ha-ha-ha unluck you. Now spill

Chaz: Nice try girly, but I think u better hear it from yo parents first. I dont want to come in between. Who knows ur mom might kill me. There might be a reason she doesnt want you and Cody to know.

Me: Speaking of Cody. How and y r u guys so close?

Chaz: Idk he just sort of grew up with me....

Me: Hey! What bout me?

Chaz: U never liked me.

Me: Explains a lot

Chaz: Ikr

Me: Sooo plz tell me bout mom and dad

Chaz: Ask them urselves

Me: They wont tell me

Chaz: I cant either

Me: Chaz

Chaz: Chloe

Me: Chaz

Chaz: Good night

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