Chapter 24: Wrong hands

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Codys POV:

"Congrats baby!!" Mom said yelling over to me while I was walking down the hall.

I was shocked. "For what?" I asked. I was still sleepy and it was two in the afternoon.

"Your single comes out today?!! Some stores already have sold out the CD!" she said yelling and hugging me tighter.

"Oh okay" I said not really that excited. I wasnt just feeling myself today maybe the fact I just woke up. I had a lot of thoughts before I went to sleep.

"Good afternoon. You sleep like a baby" Madison said laughing.

"Who knows- he still might just be one!" Chaz said coming over to me as he softly punched my stomach and lifted me up and spun me around. I laughed as he did that. He put me down and congraulated me.

"Congrats bro" Chloe said hugging me.

' I should've been the first or at least the second!" dad said.

"Of course I have to be last... seriously Chaz?" Madison said coming over to me. "Congratulations. " she said hugging me softy. I didnt want to say this but she smelt good.. unlike everybody else. I chuckled to myself when I thought of that. I looked at Madison and she made a face at me.

"No no its not you" I said.

"Well at least I was the first to buy your song on itunes" dad said.

"Okayy" I said kind of annoyed. They are making it such a big deal and its embarrassing.

"Second!" Madison raised her hand.

"Heyy!" Mom said to Madison . I bet mom was jealous that she was the second.

"Okay people can we just move on now?" I said sort of loud.

"Cant. Because if today goes well, its gonna depend on your future" dad said

"He just doesnt wanna move on- forget him" mom whispered to me as she passed by. "Well anyway we are gonna have a little celebration tonight.. because after today... you are gonna be busy man. You have already got interview plans this week, maybe even tomorrow!" mom said

"Lets just not get it overboard okay mom" I said really annoyed.

"Its your dad" mom said defending herself.

"Suree" I said not really believing her.

"Well the brauns are coming over tonight around 5:30 I guess, so your dad and I will get some food right now" mom said.

"We might get mobbed." Dad said

"What?" everyoned asked

"People are going to ask about Cody"

"Shut up Justin" Mom said really annoyed now.

"Alright shall you go" I said getting sick of them now.

I ate some food while going on my phone. There was a lot of mentions and tweets on twitter. I replied to some and followed some fans.

"How you feeling?" Madison asked.

"Not really feeling anything" I said honestly.

"C'mon I just read your tweets so Im guessing you are excited?" she guessed

"Sure I guess"

"C'mon lets livestream" she said. She got her laptop over here.

"Whats a livestream?" I asked.

"Oh my god.. you are the son of Justin Bieber and you have never heard of live stream before? Imma die" she said with a straight face.

"I never really infered with dads work soo" I said now embarrassed.

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