Chapter 10: High School

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Chloes POV:

It has been a few days before the first day of high school.. After what Chaz told me.. he was actually different around me now... I even treated him nicely.. feeling bad for him. Sometimes I catch him starring at me like crazy, but I tried to remind myself that he was just having an illusion of me thinking that I was Isabella. It was a weird coinsidence he would think of that.

"Bells?" Chaz said to while I was washing dishes. He came in to the kitchen to give me his dirty plate.

"Okay you did that on purpose- you know Im trying to calm myself down every time you call me that?" I said smirking.

"You caught me.." he said laughing as I went along with him.

"When are you gonna finally wake up and realize Im not her and Im just Chloe Bieber?" I said. He looked at me a little strangely. "Oh my god Im so sorry. I didnt mean to say that, it was an accident" I said. 

"No dont worry. Its true Chloe... I finally need to understand that the Isabella incident happend somwhat 20 years ago..I need to move on" he said looking down. 

"Yeah you really do.. I mean Im 14, and you like what? 30 something? You need to get married soon dude..." I said laughing. "My parents have been married for like over 10 years.. what happened to you?" I asked 

"Lots of break-ups and crap went on.... I finally decided I didnt want to get married" he said 

"Wow thats the biggest lie I have ever heard Chaz.. You dont want a child? Thats werid" I said went back to washing the dishes.

"Well Im getting old, and I bet nobody wants to marry me so heck no "he said laughing

"There are people that are still single your age, I bet you can find someone easily alright?" I said

"Ill try.." he said. "Better wash em good" he said to me as he left. I rolled my eyes and laughed. We ate dinner a bit late today actually, it was 8:30PM now. After washing the dishes, I went back upstairs and went into my room. I went on twitter and checked my mentions and everything else. I had a lot of followers even though I wasnt that famous...

Then there was a knock on door. "Come in" I yelled. I wasnt surprised to see Chaz entering my room. He locked it- just in case. It was like that sometimes whenever he came in.

"What?" I asked

"I just wanted to tell you that, you dont have to be nice to me because you feel bad for me. Im sorry that you had to be nice to me when you really want to swear words at me" he said looking down.

"Okay... but I am mean to you sometimes dont you know?" I said

"Hardly" he said

"Well dont you want me to be nice to you?" I asked

"Its weird when you are nice to me... Its feels like you are pretending to like me" he said a little flirty

"Wahaha you are hilarious Somers.." I said

"You know Im like 24 years older than you and you are already talking to me like Im your age" he said coming closer to me.

"Do you have a problem with that?" I threatend. Im sure he wont get his feelings hurt by me talking to him really mean.

"Yes I do "he said trying not to laugh.

"Dude... you dont have one" I said

"Yes I do.. I need more respect" he said laughing

"You're kidding" I said in shock.

"No.. Im not" he said

"Yeah you are Chaz" I said almost believing him

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