Chapter 22: Lost and...

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Chloes POV:

"Madison please dont go anywhere and let me explain" I said coming up to her.

"Why the hell were you kissing Chaz?" she asked.

"Besides that how the hell did you get in here without even knocking! Thats rude isnt it?" I sort of yelled in anger. Chaz slipped behind me going somewhere else.

"Sorry, the front door was sort of open... and I was looking for Cody" she said

"And why?"

"Because I wanted to talk to him" she said

"Well it still would have been nice if you knocked or rang the freaking doorbell" I said rolling my eyes.

"Well now since thats over- why were you and Chaz kissing. What was all that about?" she kept asking questions.

"No one knows...but Chaz and I have been dating secretly...for a few months and it was a complete accident.." I began off. I couldnt tell her anything but the truth because the lies will eventually come out soon and crap will happen.

"Chloe.. Love makes us crazy enough to do whatever crazy things it can do but... this one.. is the age difference.. not to mention this is your parents friend..." she said

"We know the wrong doings of all this... We are trying not to think about it because its really complicated" I said

"Well age is just a number..." she said

"Yeah I know... The worse thing I just found out is that Chaz dated my mom" I said

"NO WAY!" She screamed.

"Shh keep it down will ya?" I said covering her mouth .

"You're not only dating your dads best friend but your moms ex-boyfriend? Woah thats cold" she said

"Thanks for making it sound easier Madison" I said sarcastically. "Just swear that you wont tell anybody and if you do- your career will be over. Chaz and I will find a way to make things right and we still need time, so just keep it down and if you tell Cody or anyone.. Im going to end you" I said trying to be really serious.

"I promise...But you still need to catch me on some of the details I wanna know" she said

"Dude" I said frowning at her

"Gush now" she said

I rolled my eyes and started telling her everything about what happened. Deep down I know I was going to regret this but I wanted to talk to a girl.. like a girl to girl talk. I also know that Jess is my best friend but I never told her and this was all weird to me too... I didnt like that Madison was the first one to know but we got caught and had no other choice.

Can I really trust Madison? Or would she spoil this for me?

Codys POV:

It has been a week since I recorded my first song for my single. During that week I went to photoshoots for some magazines and did some stuff for the CD. Actually I was very excited to see what would happen after the single sell out.

The news about me signing into the label was already out and some people who didnt really know me werent shocked and the ones that knew me were the ones shocked becaue they never thought I was really going to sing.

To be honest I am pretty exhausted on having to wake up early and going to photoshoots and the studio sometimes. Now just in two days my single will be out. Mom and dad were pretty excited about it, and the ones who were over the top excited was of course Yesenia and... Madison.

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