Chapter 26: Found

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Codys POV:

"I think you are really getting the hang of it." Mom said.

"Really? I have a great manager so I think thats why" I said.

"Awwn thats sweet honey" she said hugging me in the car. We were headed off to the Ellens talk show. Dad got  Madison to come with because Ellen invited her too and not the brauns I dont know why.

Madison has been really different lately. She never posts anything on social media like nothing and she barleys speaks to anyone now... She even canceled all her concerts and interviews. My parents were worried about her but she said she wasnt feeling well. I also noticed something on her face. She had a bruise on her forehead- I only had a glance at it to know it was a bruise but otherwise she would cover it up with makeup and her hair.

I needed to know what was going on with her. It seemed like she was running away from me.

As we got to the Ellens studio, I was surprised to Madison there. She was just sitting down back stage on her phone. She had no expression on her face and was completely blank. Her face wasnt right. Then I knew; "Oh my god Madison! Your make up is not complete! What did you do this morning?" the stylist said to her when he checked out her face. I noticed she had black circles under her eyes- something was wrong.

I waited for her to finish with her make up. After that she walked away to sit down on the couch again. I finally made my way over to her. "Morning" I said sitting next to her. She didnt answer back. "What? No morning back?" I asked trying to make a joke.

"Hi" she said in a rusty voice.

"That wasnt a morning but Ill take it" I said chuckling. She didnt even look up to me. She was just starring a the black ground.

"What do you want?" She asked

"Okay lets cut to the chase. What has happened to you and are you okay?" I said.

"Im more than okay Cody... you dont have to worry" she said.

"Wow thats the biggest lie I have ever heard... Obviously you are not okay. You have bags under your eyes and you are completely different than usual. Something is wrong and I want to help at least" I said

"I dont need your help Cody. I can handle myself. Its something you should stay away from" she said with her cold eyes finally looking at my eyes.

"What if I dont want to stay out?"

"Then its gonna make everything worse" she said harshly. Are we just talking about the basics of me not helping her out or am I really the problem she is having? Or at least a part of it.

"I want to help" I said at last.

"Fine if you want to help than stay out of it" she said coldly and walked away.

During the interview, we got asked a lot of questions on our relationship. We both told them the truth but what really killed us were the photos that were taken of us together like cuddling. I blushed a lot and got caught. What a total embarrassment. I mostly did all the talking as Madison just nodded in agreement beside me.


It was already night time and most of us werent sleeping. But I was already exhausted from today. Just as everyone gathered in the living room mom came in with dad. "Okay we got news" mom said excitedly. Everyone listened.

"You're pregnant" Chaz said before mom.

"No Chaz" mom said. "Okay before you can guess any other wild guesses.... we are going camping!" She said screaming.

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