Chapter 15: Caught

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Madisons POV:

I walked into the Biebers house and grabbed a pear from the kitchen. This was like my second home and it felt safe here because a lot of people were here. Even Kenny.

"Hey Mads" Chloe greeted me.

"Hey hows it going?" I asked. I havent seen her in a long time and she looked a more..happy than usual.

"Nothing much.. just like a regular day" she said

"Why are you smiling so much?" I asked

"I am? Maybe because Im back home from school early?" she said trying to hide the fact she kept smiling.

"Hmm well something happened. Is it a boy?"

"Nah. Ever since Jack I dont think Ill go out with anyone after I graduate or else Cody might go to jail for keep starting a fight" she said annoyed.

"Who cares about Cody! Its your life! You could do whatever you want like the good things and you know choose the right guy." I adviced.

"Yeah.. thanks... Well anyway whats up with you? Still handling those dating rumors?"she chuckled

"Oh my god.. I wish they wouldnt have to embarrass me like that! Especially Nick" I said really annoyed.

"You should give him a chance...hes a good guy you know" Chloe said

"Yeah I guess so but Im just not ready for a relationship."

"16 is like the age you have a really cool boyfriend' she said

"Yeah but its a lot of drama.. Im pretty sure the media is going to mess things up with me and Nick. Plus hes like a really cool brother to me and I dont want to ruin the family relationship" I said reasoning

"True.. well he just needs to find another girl to forget about you then" she said

"I wish that girl would show up sooner" I mumbled.

Chloe left to the backyard as I went upstairs to go to the music room until I heard loud music coming from Codys room. I put my ear on the door quietly and heard a song that I havent heard before. I listened to it and it was a really nice song though. Just then the music stopped and out of a blink of an eye I was on the floor faced flat.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Cody said annoyed

"Um... loud music?" I said getting off the floor. I stuck my hand out to him so he could pull me up.

"Get up yourself its not like you are a baby" he said scoffing

"Rude much?"

"Is that your signiture word now?" he said

"Apparently for you- it is" I said rolling my eyes.

"Get out" he said "Dont even touch my door again. Its going to get infected by you" he said pushing me out of the room.

"Wait! What was that music!" I said before getting completely kicked out.

"None of your freaking business. Now go away" he said slamming the door in my face.

I sighed as anger filled inside me by thinking about what just happended now. In my anger I kicked his door.

"What the HELL!" he said

"YOU ARE LUCKY THAT I DIDNT KNOCK IT DOWN BIEBER!" I yelled and stomped my way to the music room. Playing the piano made my anger calm down.

I started playing the melody of the music that was in Codys room. I might as well sneak into his room and get that song from his computer...

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