Chapter 17: Wink

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Megans POV:

I couldnt sleep last night at all. My heart was skipping a beat every time I thought about how Cody was going to live his dream. I knew that he was going to do it anytime soon and that he wanted to- he just needed space.

I should thank Madison for this though. Even though she was the reason why Cody stopped anyways too but it was now that counted.. and Cody was going to do what he loves.. I wanted to see him happy.

I got up first thing in the morning and got ready. I made breakfast for everybody and woke up the others. I put the food on the table as the family came in and started eating. "Well Cody. Want to hit the studio today?" I asked eagerly.

"Sure" he agreed.

"Yeah sorry its gonna be today... you have school on Monday and so I dont want to let this thing interfere with school work. Please dont stress yourself out okay honey?" I said

"Right thanks" he said

"So thats leaves Chaz and Chloe home. Chaz please babysit Chloe for me.. unless Chloe? You want to come too?" I asked her

"Nah Im fine" she said.

"You dont have plans right Chaz?" I asked

"Nah Ill babysit" he said laughing. Chloe made a face at him.

"I want Madison to come too. I feel like she knows you more than us" Justin said to Cody.

"Um..sure?" he said a little bit confused.

"Yeah..But yo thats what it felt like so dont get any other ideas" Justin said chuckling.

"Is it just me or is Dad growing way too old" Chloe said

"Hey!" Justin said acting like a little kid.

"Ha yo Justin. Thats like the very first insult with you bout being old! Usually you always get little kid insults.. Ooh burn by your daughter!" Chaz said

"Boys" I said firmly. They were goofing off at the table.

"Thanks mom for the breakfast. Im going to get ready" he said

"Its gonna be a long time so get ready!" I yelled behind him

"I didnt even sleep last night, this idea is giving me these crazy feelings" I said

"Mom... calm." Chloe said.

"So what about you Chloe? Dont you want to become a singer too?" Chaz asked her.

Chloe who almost chocked on her food made a face at Chaz. "What? Me? Nah" she said

"You can be a model, or an actress" Justin suggested

"Im still young and like Cody- I want my childhood so nah Im good for now" Chloe said trying to ignore this subject

"Alright tell us anything if you want to sweetheart" Justin said

"Right thanks" Chloe said.

"Well Chloe and Chaz hopefully one of you guys can clean up- thank you very much. Justin lets get ready. Ive already booked the studio and scooted Cody Simpsons time to tomorrow" I said proudly.

"Wow Cant believe Cody would even agree on that. He literally hogs the studio" Justin said drinking his orange juice

"Ha! Yeah right Justin. YOU basically hog the studio!" I said

"What? Me? Yo tell her Chaz" Justin said

"Uh sorry bro but Megs got this one" he said looking down smirking.

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