Chapter 19: For now

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Chloes POV:

"She still have feelings for me?" Chaz repeated

"I think so" I said regretting that I said that.

"How do you know?" he asked

"We talked today.. and in my anger I asked her if she still have feelings for you and she said she doesnt... and that she is only Justins..." I said.

"That doesnt mean she does have feelings for me" Chaz said harshly

"Do you WANT her to have feelings for you?" I asked.

He hesitated. "Of course not. I want her to be with Justin, thats when shes the happiest... I can never become between them two"

"Didnt you already?" I said harshly

"I cant believe you just said that." he said. He took a look at me and left my room angerly. What the hell just happened? I heard him slam his door. I took a deep breath and went over to his room. I opened it since it wasnt locked.

"What do you mean?" I said

"Ive did everything I can for your parents to get back together. Do you even know how many times they fell apart? Like millions of times. If I tell you about them its going to take decades. Megan came to me because I was her friend, and she fell for me but I never fell for her... and yet I did but I couldnt have her because I knew she was my best friends girlfriend. Do you think I never have thought of that?" he sort of yelled. I felt reget inside me...Ive hurted him...

"Im sorry...that must have been tough" I said

"You dont believe me do you?" he said harshly

"Of course I believe you... You wouldnt lie to me...." I said

"I dont know why Megan is being like this..." he said. He put his hands on his head and walked back and forth.

"You know my mom more than I do... You should know if she has feelings for you"

"I do know her.... and I think she does..." he said disappointedly

"I could tell by her tone too... I knew she was lying to me." I said

"She doesnt want you to think bad about your father..." Chaz said

"Yeah I know... but the truth is out" I said

"Just keep quiet about this... your parents and especially Cody shouldnt know about this" he said

"Why especially Cody?" I asked

"Reasons.. He just going to get crushed" he said

I was suspicous that he just lied to me... He wasnt exactly lying though but it was obvious he was hiding something about Cody. Im going to find out no matter what. I feel like family secrets are coming out and there are just more to this mix up than ever.

But what was really sort of exciting to know was what made my parents have big break ups? Im sure Chaz was right- decades huh...

"C'mon lets watch a movie" I said.

"Do you have a movie in mind?" he asked

"Yeah I do. Perks of being a wallflower. Thats my favorite movie of all time" I said smiling

"But you've already seen that movie" he said

"Well I know you havent... And I wanna watch it" I said

"Lets go then" he said smirking. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I smiled as I tried to forget about this family drama... for now.

Codys POV:

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