Chapter 5: "One time"

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Chloes POV:

Summer was already over... Nothing exciting ever happened. I think the most exciting thing that happened to anyone else- would be Madison. She was very famous now and have fans that are crazy about her. Dad treat her like his daughter and not me... on the other hand mom still doesnt like Madison. Mom through a fit when dad asked her to write a song for Madison. Mom and dad werent speaking to each other that much.

Well about me.. I actually went out one day- which was really exciting and made some new friends. I instantly wanted to become friends with them because they didnt know I was Justin Biebers daughter... But the problem was- they werent like any other girls around town actually.. why? Because they were goth. They told me many positives things about being one and to me it was very interesting. And I thought... of going goth. It was a huge change and Im going for it. Even Jessica agreed to it.

I went downstairs dressed in all black and dark make up and hard core other stuff. I changed out my closet yesterday and it was all goth.. "Oh my god Chloe... please tell me that is your halloween costume" Mom said checking me out.

"No mom. Its not." I said rolling my eyes at her.

"Whats with the attitude?" she asked

"Its from my new style." I said

"Emo?" she guessed

"Goth." I said firmly.

"Oh my god Chloe! Why? What happened?" she said making a horrid face.

"Im just changing" I said

"No Chloe. Not like that" Mom said angerly.

"Yes I can." I argued.

"No you cant. Its gonna ruin your image! And its not going to work. You look horrible! Like a dead person" she said

"Thanks Mom" I said really offened and left the room.

"Oh Justin... what happened to our daughter!" Mom cried out to dad as he went in the room. I left to the backyard and walked in the greenhouse. Mom and dads plants looked really well. There was a "Love" plant that they planted and it was the most beautiful plant ever... Many pretty flowers were grown on it... I guess my parents love were powerful.

"Who the hell are you?" a boys voice said behind me. I turned around to see Cody.

"Chloe Bieber! Am I not welcome here?" I said rudely to him

"The hell? Chloe? What the heck happpened to you? "he said checking me out.

"Im goth now" I said

"Wow... thats what you get for getting out of the house for a day. You know nothing about the outside world and look what it has gotten to you" he said to me

"Well if you would have let me out more maybe this wouldnt even have happend!" I yelled

Cody didnt say anything because he knew it was true. "You were better off staying home" he spatted and left.

Yay- I have the best brother in the world.. I thought sarcastically.

Also it was the first day of school soon... I should get ready- but yet I didnt care at all...

* Few days later*

"Wow being goth is fun" Jessica said in a monotone. She was getting used to the goth and she talked with no expression or tone.

"Yep" I said.

"Middle school sucks already" she said

"Its only been 30 mintues Jess.. You are taking this a bit too seriously?"I said getting annoyed.

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