Chapter 18: Didnt know

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Megans POV:

"Come on people! Lets get a move on!" I yelled to the boys. Justin and Cody took forever to get ready. We were heading to Scooters to have Cody get signed into the label. By then we are going to hit the studios and its going to be fantastic. I did have worries on leaving Chloe alone with Chaz... ever since last night.

I wasn't sure if she was safe with him but Ive trusted Chaz for years and he couldn't do anything wrong. To be honest I feel a little intense when Im with Chaz. Maybe it was that long time feeling of being together? I wasn't sure... but that all fades away when Im with Justin. I don't know... hopefully it doesn't bother me anymore.

Ugh I couldn't wait for them any longer, plus I was worried about Chloe. I went up to her room and went in. "Hey sweety" I said

"Hey? Didn't you guys leave already?" she asked confused.

"Well your father and brother are taking forever" I said rolling my eyes. "So anyway, are you sure you can stay with Chaz? I feel worried..." I said

"What? Why are you worried?" she asked

"I don't know... it was a sudden feeling so... I got worried" I said

"Don't worry mom. Im going to be okay... its like yesterday... nothing happened you know" she said

"Right right..."

"You know I hate Chaz right? We don't get along? Plus why are you guys so close?" she asked

"What do you mean close?"

"Maybe if you tell me good and positive things about Chaz maybe Ill be nicer to him and get along with him ya know?" she said

"Right! Good question" I said laughing "Well he was actually best friends with your father first. They grew up together... and after I met him we became good friends and he really cheered me up at times when your father and I got into fights." I said looking down thinking about the memories...

"I cant even imagine you and dad fighting" Chloe said smiling

"Oh trust me... many things happened." I said. "So there was this one time that I got pregnant with Cody and I didn't realize it... and your father left me sort of... and Chaz was there to help me... and be by my side for a while and we sort of... dated.-

"WHAT?! YOU AND CHAZ DATED?" she cut me off.

"I don't think you and Cody know...Well I didn't expect you guys to know." I said

"I cant believe this." Chloe said shaking her head

"Honey are you alright?" I asked. She was scaring me. I guess she wasn't taking it so well. Maybe she thought that there wasn't anyone else besides Justin and I.

"Keep going..." she ordered

"Before that... and for some reason I had feelings left for him...because of the way he treated me. He wasn't like Justin. He was gentle and understanding." I said

"Chaz?" she said

"Yes him" I said. "But not that your father isn't good and all..." I said before it was too late, and she would have bad thoughts about Justin.

"Okay well... what do you think about him now?" she asked

"What kind of a question is that?" I snapped. I didn't mean to though.

"Do you still have feelings for Chaz or not? Because you act so different when you are around him" she said. I was speechless... I didn't know what to say back. She was right though about me being different around Chaz. I wasn't sure what to say back about that. I was in shock.

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