Chapter 16: News

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Megans POV: 

"Its Jake again... Should I pick up?" I asked Justin again as I sat on his lap. He was watching tv on the couch. It was in the evening and everybody was doing their on thing.

"What? Jake from State farm? Babe, why is he calling you and how did he get your number?" he asked. 

" Haha baby.. I wish it was Jake from state farm but this isnt his number. This is Jake Troyer....he is freaking me out... Should I pick up though?"  I asked. My phone was still ringing and it was getting annoying. 

"Okay see what he wants. Looks like he isnt going to stop." Justin said. I giggled at that. 

"Hello?" I picked up. I tried not remember thing last thing that happened with me and Jake

"Hi is this Megan?" he said in his voice. It hadnt changed at all. 

"No this is not Megan." I said. My voice wouldnt stop quivering. It wasnt that bad but it made me feel weird. 

"Yeah it is. I could tell by your voice" he said as he caught me.

"Yeah its Megan.." I said giving up. I know that if I kept keeping up with a lie its going to come at me...

"Thats right" he said chuckling

"What do you want?" I said annoyed by his laughter.

"So whats up?" he asked casually. 

"Um Jake what do you want? and Why are you calling me? " I asked rudely. 

"Good. Keep up the rudeness' Justin whispered beside me. 

"Sorry I just wanted to catch up you know?" he said 

"Well to be honest, Im really busy and stuff and I barely even have time to spend time with my family and you know I dont think its ever possible that wet meet sorry now bye' I said hanging up the phone. 

"Wow good job stalling" Justin said kissing my cheek.

'I dont want to do anything with him. I hope he doesnt annoy me again." I said making a face at my phone as if it was Jakes face. 

"Hehe you're so funny babe" he said 

"Okay seriously Justin we gotta stop with the babe. Its getting old and its only for the youngsters now" I said 

"C'mon bab- oh hmm... Honey? Well we arent even at the middle age yet so what?" he said

"Just because we hardly ever look passed 30-we are still passed 30 so shh okay?"  I said laughing as Justin messed around with me kissing my neck. It tickled 

"Fine then lets come up with couple names.. maybe Snookypus?" he said

"The hell? You got that from Thats so raven didnt you?" I said laughing. "Plus I dont even look like Snookie and she freaks me out" I said 

"Haha alright alright. We'll find names somehow"  he said laughing. 

"Alrighty then. Love you honey" I said kissing his cheeks. Then he kissed my lips. We made out for a bit until someone distracted us. 

"Ew go to your bedroom" Chaz said 

"Dont be jealous" Justin said smiling. 

"Maybe I am... I shouldve married Megan.." he said tsking. 

"Nahh shes taken.. Always were. "  Justin said laughing. 

"Alright alright. Gotta find a new women" he said 

"Sure do" Justin said. I was still sitting on his lap. 

"Justin.. I think we should have family time.. Lets go to the beach or something or... a new place to see? Travel? Yeah! Travel! Lets go to Paris France? Australia? Oh my god Justin can we?!"  I said jumping on him 

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