Chapter 32: Text

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Madisons POV:

Crap. Everyone noticed that we were there looking at Cody and Kylie. I couldnt move until Chloe pushed me. I tried not locking eyes with Cody-I knew it would hurt.

We went inside the restaurant and tried to hide from the cameras. Chloe and I tried to forget what happened and moved on. We ended up having a conversation about Chaz and Chloe and how they were doing.

Everyone was having relationship problems... like literally everybody.


Chloe and I headed out after eating and decided to do something crazy. I needed to get my head clear. I felt anger towards Cody, who was making me look like a fool to the world.

I made my way through the crowd and ignored all the questions that were being asked. But I couldnt take it anymore. It had to be done. 

"Cody and I were long over. We arent together anymore." I basically yelled over the crowd.

Just then a girl around my age came up to me. "You should have mentioned that a long time ago. It was pretty obvious you got dumped by Cody. Glad he found another person thats better than you. Why dont you go cry like a baby and just die. Its a lot better than to look like a fool in this world." she snobbed in my face.

I honestly couldnt control my anger. I wanted to cry but I wasnt going to back down that easy. Without thinking I slapped her.

I was pretty sure every camera got that footage. I didnt care at all. She deserved it. "Next time when you have shit coming out of your mouth. Think twice before you fuck it up." I said in her face.

No one was going to mess with me now. 


It was passed 1AM, and I was in the studio. All these melodies, these lyrics came into my head for some reason. I hate to admit that they were about Cody...

It was called The Worst.

Every word in the lyric was all about Cody...

But I couldnt just release this song. Everyone will know that its about him... they will bring me down again saying I expressed my feelings in a song and crap... I didnt want that to happen. So it wasnt going to publish soon... just needed time.

Right now, I couldnt even think. My heart was aching. After todays crap... he didnt even call or text me. The media was exploding with news about me getting into shit, but it didnt matter to me anymore.

I needed comfort.

"Hello?" he answered as I called him. He was sleeping. 

"Sorry to wake you... but I need you." I said almost crying. 

"Where are you?" he asked. 


"Be there in ten." he hung up. 

I wanted to call Cody... even if shit happened...I knew he would come over to comfort me and talk things out. But one thing Im afraid is that all of this is real and he doesnt love me anymore. 

I waited patiently in the studio, surrounded by darkness. I heard knocking from the front door and went to go open it. Right as I opened it, I hugged him and cried.

"I cant take it any longer!" I yelled. I felt like I was in Codys arms but that wasnt real.

"Shh... Lets go inside... people will see us." he said. We both went in the studio and sat down. I cried on his shoulders as his hands were wrapped around me.

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