Chapter 39: Truth

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Megans POV:

"I cant believe how selfish you are being!" Justin yelled at me.

"Ive always been selfish!" I said.

"Just listen to me! We can just forget about this whole divorce thing and just get back together. This whole shit is being ridiculous!" Justin yelled.

"Im sorry... but I just need a life without you anymore."

"You wouldnt even have a fucking life if it werent for me. You know what? Im tired of chasing after you, its a fucking waste of time if you dont even appreciate that, so what do I even have to fight for. All these fucking years there were millions of girls chasing after me but I chose you."

"Well you shouldnt have."

"Either way Im never going to regret it."

"Well I regret it."

"Fine, if you really feel that way about me... then Im just gonna go for good. Fuck this whole relationship, and you know what? Fuck you!" he said angrily and walking out the door.

"What dad said... was it true?" Chloe asked. Im sure the kids witnessed the whole fight.

"No no honey... its all between your dad and I sooner or later we are going to make up."

"Lies." she said walking away.

My stomach hurt a lot during the past few days. The few days where Justin slept over.

I was so confused at everything and just felt overwhelmed. I just wanted to stay away from Justin to get away from all this drama. But clearly that wasn't going to change. But I deserved all shit, I did't deserve Justin's loyalty anymore... I feel bad that he spent all his life with a bitch like me.


"Im finally over her [Megan]" it said on the cover of a magazine. I sighed and ignored it. I put my hand on my baby bump and it made me feel guilty. Ive always feel guilty no matter what.

Codys POV:

I looked at the song I wrote long time ago, it was called breaking free. I thought about it and felt like my parents could sing this. So I kept it for a while.

But on the other hand, I wrote another song called This is our song. It was made for four people and that four people were Nick, Yesenia, Madison and I.

We recorded the song as soon as the other three loved it. It was coming out soon.

Chloes POV:

"What the hell are you talking about? I know you were lying of where you've been last night." I said to Chaz.

"Its none of your business."

"How could you say that?" I said pissed off.

For a very long time Chaz grew different. He changed after he came back from Canada at thanksgiving. And he went back again for an unexpected reason and came back more different. Our relationship went rocky and it ruined everything.

"Ugh this is so annoying now. Screw it." I said leaving to my room.

"Are you and Chaz alright?" Madison asked as she witnessed our small argument.

"He's being weird and its freaking making me mad." I said crossing my arms.

"Guys are like that.." She said.

"Whatever..." I said leaving. Then Chaz came out to see Madison and I. He knew that Madison knew and we just acted like we would usually do when we were alone.

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