Chapter 2: Star

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Megans POV:

"Maybe we should do auditions or something? We need a new singer" Justin said still going on his laptop

"Do we really need to? We can just wait for our children" I said eating a chocolate chip cookie

"Not sure" Justin said typing like crazy

"Morning" Cody said walking into the kitchen.

"Good morning to you too Mr. Grumpy pants!" I said sarcastically. I tried to play cool but Cody gave me a stare.

"Anyway... Its almost the last day of school and... The graduation..." Cody begin talking

"Oh my god! Yes yes We will be there" I said

"You sure? You said that the last time and neither of you came to mine or Chloes..." he said sort of frowning

"Yes Im so sorry about that.. I feel really bad about that, but We promise to be there okay? Put some reminders on the fridge or something because lots of shows and concerts are always at the same time..." I said

"Dont make promises you cant keep mom" Cody said harshly and left upstairs.

"Want me to go talk to him?" Justin offered

"No thanks... He is gonna be alright" I said

"Oh! I like this girl!" Justin said

"What girl?" I said running over to Justin and looking at his computer screen.

"A Bruno Mars mashup ey" I said. Justin played the youtube video and the girl started singing.

"Not bad..." I admitted

"She perfect"

"How come?"

"The way so talks, and her style her image is great.. Definitely a new icon for teen girls there" Justin said looking up her youtube profile.

"Shes like twenty something dont you think she is too old enough to be a teen icon?" I said

"What? Twenty something? Megan...she is only 14" Justin said

"What?!! But she looks really old" I said

"You are just jealous" he said

"Whatever... I dont like her already" I said rolling my eyes

"Im going to contact her" he said getting out his phone.

"Still dont like her" I said

"Well she... Is going to be the next big thing.. " Justin said smiling

"Ugh focus on your kids more ey!" I said playfully slapping his head.

What was I going to do about my kids.


Chloes POV:

"Cody! Stop causing trouble around this school! Its an elementary school NOT High school" I yelled behind him

"I gave those idiots a warning not to talk to you. They cant be trusted you know? They think like older people so its dangerous!" he yelled

"They are just kids!!" I yelled

"Very idiotic ones too" he said

"This is the third time this week, doesnt your hand ever get tired from hitting people. You know what you have anger management issues! Go see a doctor!" I said and kept walking to the car outside my school.

"Its almost end of the school year so stop causing problems here and go fix your own at your own school okay?" I yelled at Cody while I got in the jeep.

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