Chapter 37: Liar

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Codys POV:

"Madison Beer confirms she and Nick Braun are a couple in love!" E! News said.

That broke my heart. Every single piece of it.. it shattered to the cold ground.

As soon as I found out yesterday night that what Kylie and I had was fake, I felt useless and stupid. Thinking about it, I felt pathetic and angry.

"Mom we gotta talk." I said as I got into the kitchen where she was eating a salad.

"Afternoon to you..." she said staring at me as I walked in suddenly.

"Why are you eating a salad?" I asked her. She never ate healthy, if she did it meant something was wrong.

"Eating healthy." she replied, after a second of looking at each other we laughed our ass off, that was the biggest lie she would say.

"So what do you want to talk about?" she asked.

"I found out yesterday that Mark made Kylie fake date me so I could use her fame to get popular." I said feeling ashamed.

"What?" Mom said with wide eyes.

"Kylie agreed! It makes me sick!"

"Well it worked though didnt it?"

"But I could have done it without signing with them." I said rolling my eyes. Mom doesnt understand.

"I would want to help but-"

"But?!" I said cutting her off.

"Your father and I started off fake dating... and well it got us here."

"A stupid divorce?" I said making her angry. She didnt say anything back though. "Well I dont care about Kylie anymore! It was fake! Its Madison!"

"Dont worry, if you truely love then you will get her back no matter what okay?"

"Are you talking to Mark about this!" I said cutting to the chase.

"I dont want to."

"You're letting it go?!" I yelled.

"I cant have you drop out of the record label."

"Fine! Whatever!" I said making my way into my car in the garage. If mom cant say anything about it then I will.

I pushed everyone out of the way as I entered Marks building. I felt disgust and anger right now. I pushed through his door and yelled.

"I was expecting you." he said calmly.

"No duh!" I said making my way to him.

"Kylie told me." he said firmly.

"No shit." I snapped.

"Im sorry Cody for doing that. I know you must have been hurt but I thought you guys would actually fall in love with each other."

"Lies. Kylie never loved me and I couldnt love her because of Madison."

"Sorry boy but it was for your own good. I wanted you to experience fame."

"Its not like Im going to lose it."

"I can fire you." he said deviously.

"Im Cody Bieber for gods sake, I can never go down."

"I guess you wont but you can unexpectedly."

"I still have a record label with my old one, so I can just quit!"

"Poor management they've got." he said rudely.

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