Chapter 31: Came down

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Codys POV:

Madison and I were on the ferris wheel already. We were exhausted on playing games and having fun. We took a break and sat down peacefully inside as we looked at the starry night. My arm was around her shoulders as she was leaning on me.

"So when is the tour?" she asked.

"August 8th" I answered.

"And how long is it"

"Three weeks... I have to be back in time for school to start. My album is coming out the day after tomorrow and perform at some places and I'm going to hit Asia." I said.

"Oh wow... Asia?" she asked shocked.

"Yeah, Australia was going to take too long. I have to fit everything in three weeks" I said.

"You're gonna be tired" she said.

"Yeah but it's worth it"

"So what happens when you start school?"

"I heard that I have few concerts on school nights and on weekends I have interviews or something and more concerts. Also hit the studio sometimes at night." I said

"Wow tough... "She said.

"I love school... senior year is gonna rock" I said happily.

"Good to hear"

We looked outside the little window and saw that we were on top of the ferris wheel. It was a great view; we took pictures and posted them.

"Hey don't worry..." I said lifting her chin up.

"Im okay" she said

"It will be over before you know it"

"You're leaving in a week" she said frowning.

"Don't remind me" I said. "I love you" I said into her eyes. I finally got the nerve to kiss her. It was our first. Just then fireworks exploded into the night sky, it was unexpected. We got startled by it and laughed about it, and we went back to kissing.

*Few days later*

Megans POV:

"Where the fuck is he?" I yelled again at Chaz. Today was August 5th and yet Justin didn't come to court. We were actually called but I made a reservation so that we can handle this quick. Justin was doing this on purpose and I know it. Im going to get that signature or else...

I took the keys from Chaz and drove the car. I didn't care if I got a ticket; I had to get to Justin. I banged on his door of his apartment as there was no answer. I knew he was in there because the media didn't say anything about him going out today.

"Oh hey" Justin said after finally answering the door.

"What the hell" I answered back at him.

"Is there something you want?" he asked as if he didn't know anything.

"Stop pretending!" I said shoving him and going inside his apartment. It was dirty and messy. I bet he is going to get worse once we are officially divorced. "Sign this right now!" I said throwing the papers on his desk.


"Excuse me?"

"Yeah you heard me, I said no" he said eating an apple.

"Why!" I yelled.

"I don't want to divorce" he said being curious now. I had nothing to say to answer back. What could I say?

"Justin... we have to... I can't... stay faithful anymore" I said finally getting that out. "And you are already unfaithful... so it has to be over" I said.

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