Chapter 14: Gaze

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Chloes POV:

A month passed after summer. It was a bit cold outside- but hey? It was California- so sunny all day. I was dying for some rain actually. Even though I was born here, I never seem to get tan-it was hard.

Jack- who never spoken to me seem to have moved back to his old girlfriend. He never talks to me, and in biology- he even switched seats. I was really down when I  found out that he was trying to stay as far away from me. Chaz said it would be okay, and I was better off without Jack.

But Jack changed a lot. He has gained popularity because he was the team captain on the basketball team and gained fame with his vine videos. I was going to try out for cheerleading but I didnt want to be near Jack anymore.

Chaz: Watcha doing? He texted, and distracting me from class.

Me: Listening to my history teacher talking. u?

Chaz: Bored as hell. Nobody is in the house.

Me: Get a place of ur own and a car and mostly a JOB. -_-

Chaz: Lol, y do u want me out of the house that fast?

Me: that fast? u have been living in my house for almost 2 years. I dont even know y my parents arent even kicking u out yet- u r annoying as hell.

Chaz: Thats mean :( but u cant get enough of me tho ;)

Me: Im not admitting that..

Chaz: I know u want to! ;)

Me: Just get out of my house.

Chaz: Thats mean.

Me: Its not that hard.

Chaz: Im still looking for stuff ya know

Me: For freaking 2 years? Suureee Somers.

Chaz: I dont want to go back to Canada...

Me: Who said that u were? U made the decision to stay in LA

Chaz: So u dooo want me here dont ya?

Me: Still not admitting it.

Chaz: Oh babe- U will soon ;)

Me: Wheres mom and dad?

Chaz: They have a interview.

Me: Let me guess-Madison is with them

Chaz: Nahh, Just because ur  parents r her managers doesnt mean they arent famous either. They r still the huge stars in the fame industry.

Me: Ugh Whatever...

Chaz: When u getting off?

Me: 1:20 y?

Chaz: Ill pick you up, and we'll do something.

Me: Why?

Chaz: Like I said Im bored.

Me: Peeps r going to wonder.

Chaz: We r just hanging out. No one will know- I promise :)

Me: What about Cody?

Chaz: We can take him with us.

Me: He would kick me out

Chaz: I wont let that happen okay :)

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