Chapter 4: Rude Much?

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Nicks POV:

"So you are in love with that crazy?" Cody said to me in shock when I told him I liked Madison.


"Love at first sight?" he questioned


"Gross"he said shaking his head. "But sorry man dont think she is going to have interest in you" he said patting my back

"Why not?" I said harshly

"Shes not your type" he said

"And you know that because?...."  I said

"Because shes crazy" he said.

"No she isnt... wait- do you like her?" I said smirking

"Gross.. man you're gonna make me puke" he said pretending to gag.

"Why do you hate her so much? Shes really hot" I said blurted the last part

"Shes annoying and she ruined my graduation" he said

"Suck it up bro. It was only middle stinking school. Just wait till High school graduation kay?" I said

"Well shes gonna be hard to date bro.. Shes got a mouth too. Just figured that out today. Also a kiss up too" he said

"Which makes it a lot easier and better to kiss" I said

"Ew." he said giving me a disgusted face.

 "Kay, dude. Shes will be out of here pretty soon, so just wait till then and calm down. You are stressing over something stupid" I said punching his arms playfully.

"You're right. Gonna ignore her and move on with my life.. Speaking of life... hows yours? To be a popstar?" he asked me.

"Its great. Everything girl in the world is digging for me... but of course Ill be taken by Madison" I said happily

"Shes gonna get more hate" he said

"What do you mean?" I asked in surprised

"Shes already getting hates online for being almost famous.. once your fans know you are dating her, they are gonna freak out and leave you. The real ones stick around the whole time and accept you guys together" he said nicely.

"Wow how did you know?"

"Mom and Dads experience" he said nodding.

"Well they fake dated right?"


"Well I think its cute." I said like a girl

"Dude... you need some guy time.. Guys dont say cute" he said shaking his head in disappointment. I nodded in agreement and went back to shooting some hoops.

I was totally gonna win Madison.....

Chloes POV:

*A week later*

"When is she gonna leave the stinking house? Shes gets on my nerves!" Cody complained to me.

"She cant buy a place yet remember?" I said defending her.

"Ugh wanna kick her out" he said. Then right after he said, we both gave each other a devilish smile and nodded. 

"But you're doing it. Im not taking the blame. Im still on good terms with her" I said 

"Fine be my pleasure" he said going upstairs.

My graduation was tomorrow and I was a bit excited. I was finally leaving a dorky elementary school and gonna start my life in middle school. It should be fun...Its not like I had problems at school before...

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