Chapter 8: Comfort

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Madisons POV:

It was already August already... Ive been on a mini tour in July- sadly Cody had to come with me but not Chloe though. She was home with her mom and Chaz. It was weird though. Most importantly Nick and Yesenia had to come.... It was so awkward especially being around with Nick and Cody at the same time. Cody doesnt know that Nick sort of hates him already because of me...

On the bright side... At least I was on good terms with Yesenia.. She was very talented and a lot of fun...but one thing she creeps me out was that she kept starring at me whenever Cody and I talked- not really much talking just arguing- all the time.

"You are a horrible singer... What happened to your voice?" Cody said to be pretending to be worried.

"I sang that bad?" I said actually believing him.

"No Mads, you were perfect" Nick said smiling at me.

I let out a sigh and calmed down. "You are such a jerk Cody, when will you change?" I said rolling my eyes at him and went over to the snack place and picked up a cupcake.

"Dude stop talking to her like that. She did nothing to you" Nick said to Cody.


"Dude, listen! You have to stop! One of these days you are gonna go too far and regret it" Nick said.

I pretened not to listen but secretly- I was.. "God man, why the hell do you care?" Cody said annoyed

"Well.. you know why!" he said getting a bit angry.

"Whatever dude, shes not worth it..She is just gonna come and go" Cody said.

I felt hurt by that..."You dont know her like I do. At least I have manner and you dont" Nick said

"Fine, have it your way. You seriously need to calm down bout her. You also changed- not me" Cody said at him and poking his chest and walked away.

"You know what Cody?" Nick said following after Cody. He touched his shoulder and turned him around. With a blink of an eye, I saw Nick throw a punch at Cody. I dropped my cupcake and ran over to Cody.

"Oh my god!" I said checking Codys injury, he had a bloody lip.

"The fuck man?!" Cody said getting up and threw a punch at Nick. I kneeled down to him and checked his face. His nose was bleeding like crazy.

"WHAT THE HELL YOU TWO! STOP IT!" I said pulling them away from each other as soon as Nick got up.



"You guys just fought for no reason" I said getting pissed now. "You know what? Figure this shit out yourselves, you guys are nuts. I dont get anything!" I said stepping back.

"See look what you did!" Nick said throwing another punch at Cody. Cody lost his temper and the two started to wrestle.

"WOAH GUYS!" Justin said coming in with Scooter.

'Oh my god! Nick GET OFF CODY!" Yesenia said..I gave her a frown- why was she defending Cody and not her brother? Shes weird...

Scooter finally broke them up as the fathers of both childs examined their faces. "Your mother is gonna get so mad" Justin said.

"Then why did she send me here anyway?" Cody said walking away.

"Why with Cody?" Scooter asked Nick.

I really couldnt take anymore of this, I rolled my eyes and walking away. I went to the bathroom and tried to calm down. Then Yesenia came in.

"You got my brother and Cody fighting because of you. This never happens.." she said pissed

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