Chapter 3: In

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Madisons POV:

All of my friends were freaking out that I was spending time with Justin Bieber and his family. They wouldnt stop talking about me. I recieved some hateful mentions on twitter-already and some of those people were from my school.

@MadisonBeer There are more talented people than you!

@MadisonBeer You dont deserve to be a star!

@MadisonBeer You wont be anyone idol!!"

This hatred was far mean...My hopes for this dream that I thought it would be a reality dream but its a nightmare...How did these celebrities face these hatred and still stand on their feet? Well if they could do it- then I can.

I got out my room all dressed up. As I put a smile to my face and walked out I bumped into him.

"Watch where you are going!" He said at me a little too harshly.

"Sorry... I will from now on." I said not making eye contact with him. He scoffed at me.

"Pathetic" he said under his breath and walked away. As he walked away, I stuck my tongue at him secretly.

"I saw that" he said without looking back. I was taken back at that because he didnt even look at me when I did that. He must have known what my moves are. But I wasnt going to let him get to me. He was a jerk and a disrespectful guy. Why wasnt he like his parents? Ugh, I hated to think about him. I sighed and walked off with a best fake smile.

"Good Morning" I said to Mr. Bieber and Mrs. Bieber

"Good Morning Madison." Mrs.Bieber said firmly. Talk about rude much?

"Good Morning Mads! How did you sleep?" Mr.Bieber said to me happily. Now thats what Im talking about. No one in this house seemed to be in a good mood but Mr. Bieber..

I guess Cody is like his mom. No wonder they have the same personality and the looks "Slept like a baby" I said smiling.

"Great. Well for the morning, you can hang out here for a bit and get to maybe know my kids, and later in the afternoon Scooter Braun and his family are coming over for the contract, and some music sessions." he said 

"Great! Perfect! I want to sing" I said excited

"Great." he said smiling. "Suit yourself, eat anything you want." he said

"Thank you" I said walking over to the kitchen. Megan got her food and went over to the backyard to eat alone. Justin was on his laptop typing in bunch of things while eating some bread. I ate some cereal quietly and went upstairs. I still had a lot of time before the Braun family comes over. I gave myself a little tour around the house quietly.

"What are you doing here?" a girl said behind me. I turned around to see a blonde little girl.

"Hi, Im Madison.. I was just touring around the house.." I said awkwardly.

"Oh.. so you're Madison Beer huh. Fathers new star and brothers new girl on the hate list..." she said nodding and checking me out.

"Hate list??" I asked in shock. Wow.. already on Codys hate list ey..

"Yeah" she said

"Why does he hate me?" I said a bit sad

"Because the day of your 'meeting' was Codys middle school graduation- and mom and dad didnt come because of you. They never been to any of Codys school events and thats why he isnt so much outgoing with mom and dad..and now more stress that you came along. Hes not going to exist anymore" she said crossing her arms.

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