Chapter 23: Calm

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Codys POV:

"So what should we do? We still have time till tomorrow.." Madison said. After laying on the grass in the backyard we ate ice cream and now have nothing to do.

"I dont know...Wanna go out?" I asked


"I mean go out like outside.. theres nothing to do here" I said laughing. I wonder what she would say if I really asked her out...

"Yeah lets hit it" I said.

"Lets take Chloe with us" she said.

"You know shes at school right? Shes been coping me because she said it wasnt fair that I didnt go to school this week and that she does so she stayed home with Chaz..."

"Mhm.. I know..." she said awkwardly.

"Yeah so today she finally got to go.. But lets pick her up and go do something" I said

"Sounds fun" she said. I got changed and we both headed out to my car. we drove over to Chloes school and told her to come out. She was with Jessica.

"C'mon lets go do something fun" I said over the window to Chloe.

"Can Jess come?" Chloe asked. I looked at Madison who was sitting in the front with me.

"The more people the better" she said.

"Great now its gonna be bunch of girls." I said rolling my eyes as Jess and Chloe sat in the back.

"Why dont you get a friend?" Madison suggested.

"Good idea" I said. I texted Kevin where he was at and he said he was at school and I told him I was outside. We waited for Kevin as he came out. "Hey what up bro" we greeted each other. He got into the back seat.

"Woah Madison Beer?" he asked

"Hello" she greeted.

"Can we take a selfie?" he asked

"Sure' she said. He took a selfie with her even though she was in the front seat. I chuckled while driving. "So Cody where are we headed off?" she asked.

"Okay I know what to do. Five of us are gonna do crazy stuff but first we need a disguise." I answered.

"Disguise?" they asked


"But people will notice us no matter what" Madison said

"Dont spoil it. Just get some wigs and sunglasses... and change our voices a little." I said

Everyone sort of agreed as we went to a small car rental place. I switched cars into something normal and not fancy otherwise the paps might notice us. Then we went to a small store that I knew. It was a little store that was small but had many useful things. We got some wigs and sunglasses. Madison and Chloe got a scarf too hiding their lower face. Jessica and Kevin just got sunglasses because they werent really that noticable. I got a black wig and some random sunglasses. I really like it though. Madison took selfies but I warned her not to post it.

We parked our car someplace close and we started to walk. "Oh my god I have an idea" Madison said. We all listened to her. "Okay so we go into a public toilet and we write a on a piece of paper "They're on to us. We need to go" and slip it into the next stall" she said.

"Oh my gosh that will be soo funny!" Jessica started yelling.

"Shhh" Chloe said calming her down.

We all walked over to a ice cream stand. "Can I get two piece of papers and a pen?" I asked. I waited patiently for it  and wrote on it. "Thank you "I said giving her the pen. "Okay who is going in?" I asked. Lastly it was Madison and I going in.

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