Chapter 28: Wrong

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Codys POV:

Its been two weeks since Madison and I started dating. The whole world now knows because we mentioned it on twitter. Some fans were mad well mostly mine and some were happy of course. We always headed out to lunch together when we have the time. Mostly mom manages me and dad manages Madison but some lucky days we have the same thing that are booked.

I performed on the radio and even had many concerts. I was already working on my album and it was going pretty well and it was a secret so I could surprise my fans. Honestly I had fun doing all this. It was almost August and then September. Honestly I was really looking forward to going back to school because I missed my friends and mostly it was my senior year.

"Lets go to the beach!!" Mom said as we were relaxing at home.

"Sounds great" dad agreed.

"Ill tell Madison" I said already texting her.

Everyone went packing to go the beach. We even got Kenny to go so he could protect us.

We went on the road and picked up Madison and headed off to Malibu beach.


"Cody! I love you!"

"Take a picture with me!"

"Please sign my shirt!"

"Sign my picture!"

"I want a picture!"

Screaming fans were getting crazier. Mom and dad were already crowded by Beliebers. Kenny was protecting them and trying to get the girls away. Chaz and Chloe were trying to get the girls away from Madison and I but it wasnt much of a help.

After half an hour signing and taking pictures, we finally got a break from everyone and relaxed on the beach. Mom and dad surfed together while Chloe and Chaz went to go get some ice cream. Madison and I were just laying down under the sun.

"So hows work" she asked.

“It’s the same I guess. Every time I go on in an interview, the first thing they ask is about my relationship. I mean I think I have said it enough to let the whole world know, so the other hosts don’t have to ask again.” I said

“Haha, that’s funny. I haven’t been in interviews for a long time, you know the interview that we both had before camping? After that Ive only been in one interview so not much to talk about actually. But I had lots of concerts in little places.” She said sharing her story.

“Then you must be tired. Relax okay?” I said smirking.

“Yes sir!” She said laughing. She took out her phone and took pictures of us and seem to posted them on instagram.

Then I took out my phone and made a vine. Speaking of vine, I saw that Chloes ex-boyfriend- should I say- has become very popular on vine, almost famous? I guess? But I don’t think that Chloe knows that. Probably now that that Jack has fame, hes gonna be a player and I don’t want Chloe to date a player.

I started to make a random video of Madison and I on vine and posted it. Everyone commented nice things and it really made me happy. “Lets go to the water” she said grabbing my hand. I followed her to the ocean and we splashed each other like crazy. We swam far away from the shore and relaxed by floating.

“Madison?” I called out.


“I love you” I blurted.

“You do?” she said in shock as she stood up and looked at me.

“Yeah. I love you” I said doing the same.

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