Chapter 27: What now

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Codys POV:

"Wow I still cant believe this" I said as we walked together. We were walking slowy through the woods to talk but it was now very awkward because we like each other.

"I know right? I never though it was you... I just thought it wasnt meant to be like finding him-you" she said.

I chuckled. I was very happy and excited to find bambi which was shocking that it turned out to be Madison... but at times I thought about Yesenia like how I felt bad for her and how it would suck to be her right now... "Well I guess this is yours..." I said giving her, her bracelet.

"Thanks... I never thought I would wear it... amazing how its been over ten years too" she said. She then sat down and wore the bracelet on her left ankle. 

"I thought bracelets go on your wrist?" I asked in confusion. 

"Haha you crack me up. Clearly you dont know anything about girls." She said laughing. "Its an ankle bracelet" she said clearing it up from me. 

"Oh didnt know they even had that.." I said embarrassed. "So tell me what happened after you left Hawaii?"

"I didnt know we had to leave the day after. When we got to the hotel in the evening, everyone started packing and from there I knew we were going to leave and I was upset. I found out that I lost my bracelet and I wanted to go look for it at the beach but my aunt didnt let me go because it was dark out. I at least wanted to say goodbye to you but again I couldnt leave the room" she said

"Oh I see.. I was really sad that you were gone the next day" I said

"Yeah same here.."

"Its amazing how we are together now"

"Maybe its destiney?" she guessed.

"Haha maybe" I said.

After a moment of silence- I had to break the ice. "Sooo" I said

"Soooo" she repeated.

"Do you think.. we should... you know....go out or something? We like each other.... and probaby soul mates..." I said blushing like crazy. The last part was just too much... like literally.

"Go out?" she asked.

"Like dating?"

"Oh... well Ive never been in a relationship..." she said awkwardly.

"Me either" I said honestly.

"Really? No way? You! Cody Bieber have never went out with anyone? Dude your like the popular kid in your school- every girls would die to go out with you and you never went out with one?" she yelled. 

"Nope. I wanted to stay faithful you know to Bambi- to you." I know it sounded cheesy...

"I thought you were a player" she said looking at me.

"Well know you know Im not" I said smirking.

"Who knows." she said playfully.

"So if you wereat my school.. would you be one of those girls who would die to go out with me?" I asked deviously.

"Hmm depends on how you act. If your nice and sweet and dont think you are all that then I would die to go out with you but if you act like your rich and snobby then hell no" she said laughing.

"Well Im the first one"

"Nice and sweet? Then I would go out with you"

"Hmm so. Will you Madison Beer go out with me Cody Bieber?" I asked as I pulled her by the waist. We were close to each other...

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