Chapter 36: The Worst

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Megans POV:

"Are you trying to annoy the hell out of me?" I yelled at Justin on the phone. Again- he didnt show up to court. Im sure he was doing this on purpose.

"Im busy." he replied seriously.

"Ugh you are pathetic!" I said hanging up.

Chaz and I walked out of court and went out to get something to eat. Cody and Chloe were at school as Chaz and I were just together.

As we got to Mcdonalds, we ordered and ate. "Ugh Im starved!" I said eating a lot.

"Is it me or are you eating way much lately than before?" he commented.

"Really? Never noticed. Just starving lately." I said eating another french fry.

We went on our phones as I checked the news. I spit out my drink soaking almost everything. Chaz looked at me with crazy eyes. "What the fuck." he said looking at me angrily as he got some soda on his face.

"Sorry but what the fuck is this?" I said showing him my phone.

"Justin and Megan back together?" he read. "It was just the night you guys went out together after the awards." he said not really caring.

"No not that but look at the freaking picture!" I said. It was a picture of Justin and I cuddling together. Our faces were a bit clear. I read the article it said that Justin posted it on instagram and deleted it. Exactly when was this?

The next night after the awards.

Were we even together? I thought I was with Chaz?

"Oh my god... I think Im going to puke..." I said holding my stomach. Justin made me this sick.

"Megan, you over-react to much." Chaz said annoyed.

"Im serious!" I said drinking soda to get it to go down. But it made it a lot worser even though it was suppose to help. I got out of my seat and ran over to the bathroom. I chose a random stall and just puked.

What a waste of food.

Ugh I blame Justin for this. He makes me sick.

I washed my mouth and cleaned up myself. I went back out with a red face, everybody must have seen me ran over inside. As I sat down in my seat and wiped off my sweat with a napkin.

"Are you okay?" Chaz asked.

"Still feeling sick..." I said.

"Wow I didnt know you were being serious." he said.

"So did I but it turned out to be real." I said lost in thought. "But whats really more important is that Im going to kill Justin." I said frowning.


We arent back together. I tweeted on twitter.

Everyone was getting annoying how they kept asking me if Justin and I were back together, so I had to make it clear for them.

I sat down on my bed in my home clothes, it felt comfortable. I decided to call Justin and argue with him.

"Hello?" he answered.

"What the hell did you post last night?" I asked.

"What about it?" he asked as if he didnt care if I were mad.

"Why were we together last night?"

"Dont worry, that picture was from a long time ago." he cleared everything up.

"Oh really?" I said feeling embarrassed now.

"Yeah, so dont worry." he said carelessly. Whats up with him?

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