Chapter 40: Realize

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"Chloes POV:

It had been a intense week for all of us except Cody.

That horrible day where everything became a mess-Chaz broke it off with me-for good. I didnt want to because I didnt want something important taken away from me.

But he left... We made our intense emotional goodbyes while seemingly mom and dad made up with him. I was jealous of Sophia, she got to have Chaz. But Im stupid enough to have a competition with someone my parents age.

The media didnt find out-luckily. But there was news saying that there was lots of noise coming from our house from the neighbors.

I didnt come out of my room for three day, I lost in hope of everything. I hoped that chaz and I would peacefully be in love but it got ruined. I hoped my parents would get back together but no. Everything was a complete mess.

I was falling into depression and no ever saw that. Mom and Cody would try to break into my room but I didnt let them. Mom started to worry too much and fainted. Well at least thats what I saw through my key hole on my door. I felt bad for the baby but it made me sick too.

I didnt starve myself, I put a mini fridge inside my room and ate from there but I wasnt going to excite myself. I put my favorite food in the most gross way. Pizza for a example, never microwaved it, I ate it cold and put big amounts of hot sauce on it. It was a way to hurt myself, my stomach mostly.

I cut the cords of my internet and tv. They werent good enough anymore. I cant stand seeing the ugly truth come out and the pretty lie thats been spreading around.

It was a cruel world and only the depressed would see it.

I waited for my mom to go into labor but darn it she wont go! It was tough waiting, but even if she would go into labor, no one was there to help her, well except Cody.

Harry Styles and his wife moved to England a long time ago. And Ariana was pissed at her for divorcing Justin. She kept ignoring mom ever since they went out to the club.

"Chloe Katie Bieber get you butt out here now!" Mom screamed while banging the door.

I didnt answer. Hopefully she will think Im dead. "Chloe!" she called out way too many times.

Then suddenly she went quiet. Great, she either fainted or left. But sadly no, a man in a white long robe ish thing came kicking my door. It dropped hard to the floor.

"You broke my door! You crazy?" I yelled loudly.

"Im Dr.Stevens and Im going to help you." he said coming closer to me slowly. Behind the broken door was paramedics with a gurney. "I see you're depressed?" he said looking into my eyes.


"Well Chloe, Im going to take you to the hospital and check up on you. We will see from there." he said.


"Dont be harsh now Chloe, its for your own good."

"No." I said many times.

Then without a warning the doctor shoved up a big ass needle into my arm as I drifted slowly into the blackness.

What have they done to me?

I woke up feeling a bit nauseous. I looked around to see I was in a room, a hospital room. Crap.

The doctors came in and so did my mom. "Honey! You're awake!" mom said.

I rolled my eyes of how fake that sounded.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked me.

"Alright." I said. " I want to go home."

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