Chapter 17

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While I sit up looking around she's not there, I see the disheveled bedsheets, open condom packages scattered across the floor and her clothes and somebody else's, but they're not mine. "Reese?" I stand revealing my completely naked self. I walk towards the other side of the bed where my phone sits plugged in, only there do I see her asleep on the ground her clothes still on some of my clothes thrown across the ground along with a giant hole in her pants. "Baby girl?" I brush my hand against her cheek trying to remember what happened last night. "The kids," I jump completely naked running into their rooms. They all lay asleep in their beds as does our baby boy, all of them untouched.

"Shawn?" Reese's voice so hurt and as I enter she looks just as confused as I did. "What happened?" Her arms snake around my waist.

"I don't know sweetie." I touch her back where my tattoo lays. We got each other tattooed as angels on our backs yesterday as a symbol of love. "I'm sorry," I promised her and myself I'd protect her at all costs and I didn't last night.

"No," she shrieks jumping on me after seeing something on the ground. I run my hands over her back kissing her shoulder softly while she cries.

"What is it sweetheart?" I hum, her shaky hand points to an item somewhat hidden underneath the bed. A brick, with a note written on it but she jumps as I reach for it. "What's wrong?" I pout while she shakes, honestly the brick is the least of my concerns I worry so much about her.

"P-please don't touch it while I'm here." She shakes her head. "I-I really don't like," she shakes in my arms looking at the reddish object. "Bricks," she shivers. Jumping off of my and running towards our closet.

"Wanna get me some clothes while you're in there?"


I watch her sit with the kids, she just looks so traumatized, It's hard to watch. "No Ian she's like terrified." I explain with a stern nod.

"Of what?" He groans staring out at her as do I.

"Bricks," at the word I see her shudder and her eyes instantly land on me.

"No," Ian shakes his head sliding out and towards her. "Are you ok baby?" He checks her arms and legs for what would appear to be bruises or wounds.

"I knew I heard him say it," she shivers in his arms while Chrissy rounds the kids up nap time for the younger two and quiet time for the others.

"Come on, I'll read you a story," I lift Angelina as well as CJ, I want to check out the brick and see what it says. I know there's something written on it but with all that happened this morning I wasn't gonna read it with her around. "There you go," I lay my baby boy in his bed, Angelina has been sound asleep since we got into her room. She really looks forward to her naps during the day because she still doesn't sleep through the night. I kiss his head as well as Angelina's covering her small body so she doesn't freeze before assuring CJ has the blanket he needs near him at all times. Once I know everything is in place I walk to my room, we put all evidence into a bag we used rubber gloves of corse so I'll do the same with the brick.

Come alone, be at her middle school by eleven thirty and no one gets hurt, bring a friend and she will pay.

I shove it quickly into the bag before hearing her scream and glass braking, I run down as do our parents the older kids try but Chrissy takes them into the babies room to assure everyone is safe. "Sh," I lift her in my arms seeing yet another brick. Ian grabs a plastic bag and puts the brick inside of it calling nine one one, I would've but she's so traumatized. "Sh," I him holding her head against my shoulder so she can't see any of it.

"You don't even know what's wrong," she continues crying. I squeeze her shaky body tighter than I ever have only to try and calm down her shot nerves.

"I know, but you're my wife, I'm supposed to do these things for you." I smile kissing her shoulder. "And I want to." I kiss her neck and jaw bone. "Wanna talk about it? Or you wanna go lay in bed? I can run you a hot bath?" I list making our parents smile even in their state of worry.

"D-don't let me go," she sobs into my shoulder. I nod simply kissing her cheek.

"I won't let you go until you tell me to." I reassure her tears. It brakes my heart seeing her so terrified of something so common. I probably won't ever know why and honestly the only reason it bugs me is because I wanna fix it, I wanna take back the horrible memory, or traumatic experience I wanna take away all of the pain that seems to be linked to this one object.

"When I was in the eighth grade," her voice is soft, she doesn't want our six year olds to hear it. "Some of the kids that bullied me had me cornered they were calling me names and everything they usually did." Her head doesn't move from my shoulder. "One of their older brothers came, he had a bunch of his friends and he sent the kids my age away. They raped me against the brick," she shudders and stutters the words. "Wall of my school." Her arms wrap around me. Everyone cries at her story as do I feeling completely honoured and extremely special for her to have shared this with me. "And when they were done they threw bricks at me, trying to knock me out so I would forget. But I never did."

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