Chapter 29

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I walk back towards the house my head held high I stopped the divorce with Reese who was really excited, and I ended things with Leah. She wasn't too pleased but my baby girl was happy and my family will remain one. She asked me to go get her some chocolates and I figured her period because chocolate is all she eats around that time so I brought her chocolate and lots of cuddles. I open the door and walk in softly looking around it's quiet and everything is calm which is strange for our household of sixteen. "Babe?" I call, the divorce was starting to freak us both out especially after the month of carrying her.

"Surprise!" Everyone jumps out scaring the bag from my hand. I jump backwards almost falling while they giggle and laugh. I sit confused, it's not my birthday and it's not my anniversary it's not any special day that would require me to be surprised so I don't understand why they're doing this. The still very light weight of my love is all I feel on my back.

"Are you excited?" She mutters kissing my cheek. I'd like to be as excited as her but I don't know why I'd be excited.

"Why should I be excited?" I get a giggle as response. She points to our friends. Six ultra sound pictures six little heads. We've had six kids we adopted two still it makes no sense to me.

"You're gonna be a daddy again,"


I sit with her in the doctors appointment. Her stomach is huge and I'm honestly not sure how I didn't notice it before. She's about twenty weeks and is scheduled for a c section in about a month or two. They don't expect she'll last any longer. "I can't believe I was gonna miss this," I was really panicked when I went back I feared she'd be dead or something.

"All six of them would've been my responsibility," she touches her large bump. We're finding out their genders. She's convinced they're all gonna be boys, i think three and three, her mom says there will be at least one and her dad think all girls. "All six of my baby boys," she smiles and I roll my eyes.

"What if they're my six baby girls?" I raise an eyebrow kissing her cheek pulling her onto my lap while another pregnant woman walks in and there are no seats.

"Than you can take care of all six of them," she rolls her eyes a little, she has no hope that we'll have another little girl.

"Seven," I smile kissing her temple. "I'm sorry I cheated," I whisper lowly in her ear. She knew, I know she did Justin caught me with her and threatened to tell if I didn't and he did she just didn't believe him. I feel really bad for what I've put her through and I feel really bad for our poor babies that have had to endure all of her stress and depression. Carrying her down the stairs in the morning was honestly the highlight of most of my days. Walking home to see her heating up my food again for the umpteenth time so it could be warm when I wanted to eat it, it was one of the sweetest things. She even slept in another room all alone most nights because I didn't want to have her there. It felt wrong to have her there.

"You're with me now," is all she mutters while she clings to me. Her hands running through my hair and with every stroke of her hand every clump she takes out, Leah did it to me, but when Reese does it it feels right. It makes me smile seeing her look genuinely disappointed in herself for removing hair from my head but she looks so happy. She's always loved my hair and I thought it was weird. Since our first night, she'll probably love it until our last. She's very big on the whole 'till death do us part' thing. That's why she was so nervous for the divorce, and that's the reason for all of we odd demands. She wanted us to be a loving couple for the last month she could have I'm sure she planned on taking her own life, till death do us part remember. She'd make if look like a disease took her and that I had known all along she'd want the kids to see me as the same guy they saw before not the one who ruined their mother.

"I love you, and you will never let me forget how much I do." I kiss her lips softly. I'm down to my last few patches of hair and she's already decided that in one week time all of her hair will be gone too. Even my kids wanna do it. CJ is super excited about it he really wants to help. "I have," she cuts me off.

"A chemo appointment tomorrow? And vocal doctor today right after we wrap up here, then we visit the hospital about you recovery." She nods and I chuckle.

"I would've forgotten all of it, could you imagine if I'd followed through with the divorce." She chuckles at me while our name is called. She's so small and cute and watching her waddle the way they she does with her large stomach is just the funniest thing. She looks like a twelve year old mom and then here I am escorting her everywhere until you see her face you'd have no idea she was older that ten.

"Ok," the doctor sits down. "We're gonna make it short and sweet for you two, lord knows there's somewhere else you need to be." This is the same doctor we've had for all of our babies, and we're gonna have the same one for birthing and she's made sure she gets Kathy, our very same midwife. "So you're the one with sextuplets?" She questions while Reese nods. The heartbeats are the most soothing sounds there are as when they all erupt it's like music a perfect song. I record a little portion of it, I've never done that before but it's just so beautiful I could really turn it into something and I wanna try.

"Did you hear that?" She smiles pecking my lips. We're gonna be surprised by our friends with their genders like always. "She says I should be able to feel kicks soon,"

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