Long time no see

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Hi there! :) I'm just letting you know that this chapter could be a little bit awkward and long, but you all know how is it with starts... :/ :D
So please stay tuned, I promise you won't regret.
And please leave me some feedback, okey? :)
Anyways enjoy this chapter!

It's here! Shitshitshitshitshit!

With this thought I woke up that morning, ha woke up.. In the fact I was so horribly stressed I couldn't even sleep so I was just lying in bed, listening to Bacon's quiet breath and trying to convice myself that it won't be that bad.

I stood up from the bed and quietly went with my makeup bag to bathroom, yeah I started wearing makeup regulary, not much, but Joy taught me how to use all those makeup products, so now I'm able to make my face look a lot prettier than it actually is.

During shower I was wondering about every possible way how it could screw up.
And then during brushing my teeth and putting my make up on I thought about it even more so when I finally exited the bathroom I was shaking all over my body with panic attack near to me.

Joy woke up at 5:06 and with loud yawning headed to bathroom.

"Morning." She mumbled as soon as she saw me sitting on the kitchen table and eating cereals.

"Morning." I mumbled back as I swallowed the last spoon of cereals and headed to balcony to enjoy my first morning cigarette and coffee.

"Bacon is already eating, I gave him some cat food you bought for him. And we shouldn't forget to give some of his food to Mrs. Catlady since she'll look after him while we'll be gone." Joy told me as soon as she entered balcony and lit up her cigarette.

"Thanks. Yeah, we should." I smiled weakly and took a good look at her.
For today she chose black jeans long just a few inches under knees and bright red crop top with little back hearts on it, her hair were again in that pinup bun she used to wear and her makeup? She use to wear the same pin up eyelines and the same bright red lipstick color since I know her, so..

"You look great!" I admired the way she prepared herself for our trip.

"You too, Chlo, I'm glad you finally decided to wear that crop top I forced you to buy!" She chuckled a little, inhaling cigarette's smoke as if this was the biggest pleasure of hers.

"Yeah.. But I don't really feel comfortable in this type of clothes.. You know I wear it just cause of bussines." I rolled my eyes as I looked down on my white crop top and high waisted black jeans.
Simple but impressing.

"You should wear it more." Joy winked at me when she threw away a cigarette butt and headed back to our apartment.

"Not at all.." I mumbled to myself, throwing away the cigarette butt too as I followed her back...


"Hi guyzz!" Joy waved with her hand on the rest of our team waiting for us on the airport.

"Heeey!" They replied to her as a one man.
There they were.
The rest of my family.
If I had to describe them for someone, it would be pretty easy.
First of all there was Jeremiah, I can't describe him anyhow but irish hypster in the best suit he could effort, which was simple white shirt with sleeves rolled to elbows, black vest and black suit's trousers and luxury shoes in combination with his long beard and inked arms he was everything many girls would consider as sexy.
Then there was Tim, our Billy Joe, cause he definitely looks alike Green day frontman's twin..
And when we are talking about twins, the last memebers of our team were actual twins, Josh and John, 21 years old guys with heigh about 6,23 feet, damn amazing faces with dark stubble and perfect hairstyle and how they always are like fashion bombs they had a tons of girls.
I don't mind them, they're adorable..

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