Her mug on his table

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Hi there again, dear readers! I hope you'll enjoy this chapter, again full of anger and fights and so on.. Anyways It would be really awesome if you left a vote and comment here. :)
And I'm just letting you know that thanks to new school semester I'm not sure whether or not I'll be able to post as frequently as now, but I'll try my best. ;)

"Why shouldn't I place my mug on your table?!" I yelled at Ed, and placed my mug back on the table, angry as never before.

"Because as you said it, it's my table!" He yelled back pointing with his fingers to his at the moment completely red face to make it more clear.

"And what?! Next time I won't be allowed to step on your carpet, or breath the same air as you do or what?!" I screamed on him, keeping that mug on the table with my hand so he couldn't move it away.

"Just take that stupid mug away! You're doing coffee circles all over my table!!" He yelled cleaning those 'coffee circles' with his hoodie sleeve.

"No, I won't! It's just a table!!" I was loosing that rest of a control I had.
"It's mine table!!" He yelled back totally exhausted by me.

** 3rd person POV **

"What's up?" Joy asked when she entered Ed's bus without knocking.

"They're fighting again." Stu explained to her tiredly and rubbed his face with his palm.

"About?" Joy raised her eyebrows, she didn't even wanted to know, they've been fighting all day all night, every time they meet each other, it's been a week already and she's used to it. It's boring now.

"Her mug on his table." Stu rolled his eyes, placing his hands to the pockets of his trousers.

"Oh.. Interesting." Joy constated without any interest in her voice.
Stu and Joy were watching them for couple of minutes more, it was as usual as every time, they were screaming at each other, no one could even try to understand what they were saying, it was just an incredible clutter of voices full of  rage, accusation and bullshits screaming at each other.
Quite possible even they didn't understand each other but it didn't stop them from screaming and yelling at each other until someone come and make them stop, usually it took around ten minutes before others couldn't stand it anymore.

"How long they've been fighting already?" Joy asked, stretching her arms.
Stu took a look on his hand watches.

"It's been 10 minutes." He answered her question and placed his hand back to trousers' pocket.

"Hm.. Let's give them another 5 minutes."
Joy wondered aloud, still looking at these two fighting maniacs.
Stu just nodded.
What else could they do anyways?


** Back to Chloè's POV **

"That-fucking-bastard!!!" I snapped angrily, shaking all over my body as soon as we got out of Ed's bus.
Joy was still holding my hand as she pulled me behind our bus, it was perfect place for cigarette breakes, no one could see us there.

"Could you believe it?!" I a half yelled at Joy while I was trying to lit up my cigarette, but I was too angry.
My hands were shaking so badly that I barely hold the lighter.
Joy sighed loudly and lit my cigarette with her lighter after that she lit another one for herself.

"How can someone be that...that..him?!" I was still so mad that I didn't notice at first how was Joy looking at me.
That face.
Full of quiet accusation.
Her 'mama face'.

"What? Don't look at me like this, both of us know that it were you who called Cherry!" I snapped at her as I exhaled another little smoky cloud.

She raised one of her perfect sharp eyebrows in affection, still staring at me.
I was reciprocating her gaze, scanning her, that face with skin so pale every Vampire could be jealous, sharp cheekbones, eyes with long eyelashes and thick pinup eyelines.
Her eyes so brown and usually full of kindness were right then full of ...it wasn't anger...She wasn't mad.
She knew she was right, she knew that I offend her and of course she was waiting for my apologize.

I took a deep breath, slowly letting all that anger go away, I knew I crossed the line, Joy is the best friend I've ever had.
She is strongly reminding me of someone I used to know and loved with all my heart..
How could I even think it was her who called Cherry?
She wouldn't do that.
To Ed? Maybe.. But to me? Never.

"I..I am sorry, Joy." I stuttered, voice full of regret as I looker down on my sneakers.

Joy nodded, quickly as if this was all she needed to hear and now she's done with this situation.

I love it. I mean.. She knows what emotional unstable weirdo I am but still she sticks around taking care of me as if I was her little sister or something....

"You know that you smoke too much lately?" She said with her mama voice, throwing away a cigarette butt.

"If you were me you'd smoke that much too, I mean.. That ginger asshole is really driving me crazy." I answered her trying to justify why I'm about to smoke 20 cigarettes per day even tho I know how unhealthy habit it is.

"There's so many other options to avoid stress, Chlo." She continued with her moral speech.
"Like what?" I threw away a cigarette barely a half smoked, I was a bit annoyed by her speech at the moment.
It almost seemed as if she woke up this morning just with one purpose and that was giving me moral speeches.

"Like a some sort of sport maybe?" She raised one of her perfect eyebrows again and all I could do was stare at her as if she lost her mind.

I mean.. I and sport? There's no way I could do any kind of sport, if we're not counting eating a whole pizza by myself..!

But then I saw how she was trying to hide a little chuckle.

"Haha very funny. Let's go, we have to work again." I rolled my eyes but I had to laugh too.

"We? Better you. We've been working all the time you've been fighting with Ed, you know, lazy ass?!" She bumped me into shoulder but we both were laughing loudly as our steps were heading to our bus to meet the rest of our team..

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