A meeting

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Hi there, dear readers! After a long time I finally wrote a new chapter and I really hope you guys will like it, because otherwise I'd go really crazy.
Just kidding!
Anyway leave me some comment and vote, I'd appreciate that.
After Jeremiah's confession I started to see things from a different point of view, first of all it could be genuinely interesting to be a viewer of something you have lived through by yourself, because Jeremiah is basically watching me and Ed moving around and never ever getting together and he could do a hell about it even tho it had to be like a personal movie of his own life for him.

With these thoughts I headed to meeting Stu organized for all of us, obviously things started to getting out of his hands and he just wanted to make sure we all will survive till the end of this tour without making any scandal or something.

When I was passing by Ed's bus he suddenly opened the door, his usually happy and dorky face was now tired and cold.

"Hi!" I smiled on him, but my smile disappeared as soon as I spotted Cherry getting out of bus right behind Ed.

Ed's eyes shined with something what could be even an happiness, for a moment he seemed like he wanted to tell me something, but Cherry did it for him.

"Good morning, Clara." She smiled on me and I just closed my eyes for a second for her calling me by a wrong name on purpose.

"Good morning." I breathed out quietly and with a last look at Ed left them and headed to the meeting again.

When I finally got there almost everyone were already there, drinking coffee and eating donuts Stu bought for us.
I quietly sat down on the chair in the furthest corner and took a sip of coffee I stole from the table earlier.

After a couple of minutes we were pretty much all group in there, Stu was almost about to start our meeting when someone knocked on the door and with huge laughter entered the bus.
And yeah, you're right, it were them.
Ed and Cherry.
Laughing as a happy couple.

Right in that moment I wanted to be invisible, but they didn't seem to mind my presence there, which was good.
I hadn't much time to think about it because Stu already started our meeting.
I wasn't focused on it, even tho I knew I should, I simply couldn't force myself to pay attention on it so instead of it l let my eyes flow around the room.
Twins were secretly playing rock, paper, siccors, while Joy and Matt were secretly love-staring on each other once in a while.
I couldn't help but grin when I saw that, they both seemed so happy and in love, which was what I wanted for both of them since forever.

While I was wondering whether or not did they already admit their feelings to each other my sight somehow managed it's way to the opposite side of the room and after a while I realized I was staring at Ed.

He didn't seem to notice, his all attention was dragged into Cherry's hand slowly making a little circles on Ed's forearm.
For me it was something so personal I couldn't help but stare at them with sort of disgust in my face for making all of us watch this.

But as I found out a moment later; no one gave a shit about it, except me.
I was the only one making a big scene of it, overthinking it, dramatizing it, but in my defense; I was the only one in love with him.

Suddenly Ed looked up, still with that damned dreamy smile, to meet my eyes.
Something in his sight changed when he realized I was looking straight back at him.
His smile disappeared and the softness in his eyes was replaced by nervousness.
He blinked a few times and then pulled his hand away from Cherry's touch.
Ed even smiled on me shyly, but that was the last thing I'd care for, so I locked my sight on the wall behind him instead.

I didn't even listen to Stu's speech, all I was peaying for was the end of this meeting, to go back to work and pretend my heart is not breaking a little every single time I see Ed with Cherry.

"Chloè!" Someone shouted my name and when I focused my sight on the people in front of me I saw that everyone was staring at me as if I did something.

"Ehm.. What?" I frowned a bit and pressed my lips together to at least pretend I wasn't in my own world for past 10 minutes.

"Can you show us that presentation you prepared for us? To see how's it going so far." Stu briefed me with a little polite smile playing on his lips.

It took me a couple of seconds before I finally realized what did he ask me to do, but as soon as I understood my knees started to shake by nervosity to present it in front of Cherry and Ed, I thought I'll present it to Stu, not to all people who were on this damned tour.

"Ugh... Yeah..for sure.." I stuttered and stood up with a flashdisk in my hand, Stu grabbed it from me to put it into his laptop which had a projector in.

"Can somebody turn off the lights?" Stu mumbled as he was preparing that video to show it to them all.

While I was just sitting there, awkwardly biting my nails and avoiding to meet those damned blue eyes at the opposite side of the table.

Everyone went silent and after a while my video started, like a first there was a simple title to inform all what were they watching, we choose 'Bibia Be Ye Ye' as a heading song and basically it was a short movie (about 5 minutes long) with a mix of shots from Ed's concerts, from the way, from the interviews we did with him and I decided to put there a few shots of us all having fun and doing crazy things, just like this one time when Ed, Tim and twins stole a shopping cart and made a big race through the halls of one concert arena.

I wasn't even able to watch it, a half because I was horribly embarrassed and a half I didn't want to watch all those times we were perfectly happy with Ed, but my plan was disturbed by simple detail I didn't even know about.

"Chloè!" I heard Ed's sweet voice falling me, filled with such a happiness and enthusiasm.

I looked up right away, totally shocked by what did my coworkers put into that video, even tho I told them not to put it in.

It was a video made the night we all were partying hard on the bus' rooftops and this specific moment was when twins suggested we all should play a stupid game called 'twins' (shock, huh?!) and it was very easy to understand the rules, it had only one rule: Never leave your partner and try to catch as many people as possible.
And Ed was my partner for this game.

"Chloè!" Ed called after me to catch my attention and signalized that we will catch Matt and Joy who were running towards us to escape the power of twins.
I just nodded and as soon as they got between us I started running towards them in purpose to catch them.
But unfortunately we both missed them and all I was able to do was just watching me crushing into Ed.
He yelped and hugged me tightly as we were falling down of the cold rooftop, to protect me from any injury and I was so damn glad for that.
After we ended up on the rooftop everyone started to laugh, Ed was still holding me tightly as he started to laugh too and I could feel every vibrator of this damned laugh going through his body right into mine stomach, where those vibrations changed into butterflies.

"Are you alright?" He asked me as he made me to look up at him, his shining eyes just and inch away from mine.

I was trapped there for a while, but then I just started to laugh like never before.
At the end we were just lying there, unable to stop laughing or even stand up...

I quickly found Ed's eyes, who were staring right back at me and I wasn't sure what was his face expression, but his eyes were filled with shock and anger.
He obviously thought I put it there on purpose.

Right in that moment I wanted to disappear, but before I had a chance to slip under the table and spend the rest of my life there, the video ended and everyone started to clap to admire what did we do.

"And that's all, thank you for your time." Stu smiled at us and it was the only thing I was waiting for.
I quickly stood up and left his bus, I heard my employees calling after me but I didn't really want to listen to them.
All I wanted was to get the hell out of there, come back to my old tiny flat years ago, just me and Bacon.
I wanted to come back into these times without Edward..

Things you've never had // Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now