A cent for a wish

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Hi there, dear readers! Another chapter is here and I hope you'll like it. Leave me a vote or write me a comment if you wanna.
Feedback is always more than a thousand pieces of pizza for me.

I found myself sitting on the stairs leading to some church or temple or whatever the fuck it was.
My face was hidden in my palms as I was fighting back tears of anger and frustration.

Simply; I couldn't understand how Ed could be such a dick to mess with me and my feelings for so long without me realizing it.

"Chloè!" Someone called after me and I lost my train of thoughts right away.
A second later I heard a loud steps quickly moving towards me.

I didn't rise my head up to recognize the only one person who's able to pronounce my name right, it was Jeremiah.

He sat down next to me and let out a deep sight as he wraped his arm around my shoulder slowly and very carefully as if he was afraid he could scare me.

I let him brought me to his chest without a word or any resistance.
In the matter of fact I was grateful that he did this extra mile for me in purpose to show me I'm not alone and that I can ask for help any time I'll have to fight with demons and shits like this.

Suddenly Jeremiah started to humming an old Irish song to my hair as he was pattering my shoulder, while I was inhaling his sweet scent and slowly calming down.

We could sit there for a couple of minutes or an hour I didn't really care about time, even tho I knew Stu's gonna be mad because my mental breakdown is making us late for sure, when I finally started to breathe normally.

I opened my eyes as if I was waking up from a dream  and Jerrmiah's forearm leaned on his leg caught my interest right away.
I had always loved to look at his tattoos and taking hours and hours with trying to figure their hidden meaning.

Personaly I loved the one he had at the left sice of his hand, right at the side of his hand's joint he had a little black cat playing with a ball of light blue wool.
It was really small and you wouldn't probably notice it at first, but this one was oné of his first tattooes and he once had told me that this tattoo's meaning isn't anything more than that he liked that idea of having a cat inked on his arm.
Which I found very stupid at first but the more time I spent with Jeremiah the more I liked the idea of him being brave enough for let someone ink on your arm something without the meaning.

After a while I looked up from his inked arm to find out we were sitting on the stairs that were a part of a beautiful old square with a breathtaking fountain in the middle of it.
What was a bit confusing for me was the fact that there were only few people, the most ten people.

Where did everybody go?

I jerked a little, which made Jeremiah stop with his dreamy humming and come back to the reality.

"It's okay..I'm here.." He murmured quietly and hugged me tighter but still giving me a chance to escape any time I'd feel like runaway.

"Tell me about her." I mumbled as I started to nitpick my ripped jeans to make my brain focus on something else than the memory of Ed and Cherry together.

Jeremiah let out a little chuckle and I felt those happy  vibrations going through the thick layers of our clothes.
It was very pleasant to feel.

"About the other one Chloe?" He asked still laughing, but it wasn't question at all.

"Yes..." I nodded slowly, not really sure if I wanted to hear this story or not.

Jeremiah was quiet for a long time, I almost believed he forgot about me and my question, but right in the moment I was about to stand up and take him back to our bus, he took a deep breath and looked down on me, his wise sight deeply sinking into mine as if there was nothing else to look at.
Maybe he was wondering whether or not he should tell me, or maybe he was thinking about how messed up I am, or maybe he wasn't thinking at all, but I felt like trapped in his dark eyes.
I had never noticed he had a green circle around an iris in both of his eyes.

"Why should I talk about Chloe past, when I have Chloè present right here?" He smiled at me at the end and raised his eyebrows as if I asked something really stupid.
That took my words and left me speechless.

I looked down as soon as I realized I started to blush and focused on my nitpicking instead.

Jeremiah laughed again as he stood up and offered me his hand to help me stand up too.

I grabbed his hand and let him pull me up, still not sure if I want to comeback into our bus, but Jeremiah didn't let my hand out of his as he headed to the centre of the square.

"Where are we going? The tour crew is this way!" I a half yelled in a confusion as I pointed to somewhere behind us, but Jeremiah shook his head and laughed again.

"We are not getting back in there." He grinned at me mysteriously.

"What?" I gave him a puzzled look when we stopped by the fountain, I really didn't see a point in this.

"We are not getting back. At least not until you'll feel like coming back again, okay?" Jeremiah threw a side look at me as he started to look for something in the pocket of his jeans.

I was too confused and shocked to give him some response and he obviously didn't even care because he found what was he looking for which were two cents.
Right in the moment he was about to throw one of them to the fountain he stopped and turned back to me.

"Okay?" He asked again and his sight was so intense as if his all life depended on my response.

And I was shocked once again, he really did make sure I was okay with his plan, just to avoid me feeling uncomfortable.

"Okay." I smiled after a while and nodded madly to let him know that I'm completely fine with his plan.

"Wanna throw there a cent for a wish?" He smiled at me and offered me one coin from his hand as he threw the other one into the fountain.
I wanted to throw mine into that fountain too but Jeremiah's way of making a wish trapped me like a spiderweb.

He clenched his hand with that cent into a fist for a second and then he just threw it into that fountain with head a bit rised up to the sky and eyes closed tightly a little smile ran across his face as he opened his eyes again and focused his sight on me.

When I realized he was looking at me I blinked a few times and then threw my cent into that unbelievably crystal clear water.
I felt embarrassed for letting Jeremiah catch me staring at him the way I should never ever stare at someone who's my friend.

"I dont' know how about you, but I'd like to get some ice-cream." Jeremiah grinned at me as he grabbed my hand again.
He even knitted his fingers with mine, there wasn't anything sexual or deliberate in it, he obviously did it automatically and it was so natural for us in that moment.
And for the first time in my life I felt like I dont need to fake anything at all...

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