A hug

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Hi there, dear readers! So this is a second part of 'The day with Jeremiah' as I personally love to call it.
A few more chapters and this story will be finally over.
I know I've been saying this since chapter 20 (or so..), but this time it's for real. :D
Anyway leave me a comment or even a vote to let me know what you think. :)

"What did you wish for?" I asked suddenly as we were slowly walking through this night city, we both had at least 6th ice cream right now, but nethier of us did mind we'll end up fat as hell.
Jeremiah made a perfect day for me, we were at the Town Library, then he walked me to the park full of friendly dogs and puppies and I even gave a peanut to the squirrel that came to our spot on the grass.
A squirrel!

"You know that's not something you should ask about, right?" Jeremiah chuckled and shook his head above me as he brushed off of his beard a bit of ice cream with his inked finger.

"I know! But I told you what I was wishing for!" I yelped like a little kid and even jumped a little to let him know how dissapointed with him I was in that moment, which didn't have a big influence on him, not at all. Because all he did was that he started to laugh uncontrollably.

"What are you laughing at?!" I snapped at him as I frowned at him madly, which wasn't anything like a treat for him, bevause he started to laugh even more.

"Nothing. Just.. You were wishing for a big ice cream that's not a secret wish!" He a half yelled and then he was only barely able to cover himself from my punches, but still he was laughing hard.

"It was! And I told you! Now it's your turn!" I yelled insanely and punched him again, unfortunately for me his body was almost nothing but muscles so my punches were nothing for him, I'd swear he didn't even feel it.

"But my wish was something more... Personal." He smirked at me as a mischievous smile ran across his hairy face.

I frowned even more on him and started to walk away from him, fortunately we were in the street I recognized already so I knew we were just a few steps away from our tour crew.

Jeremiah caught me a minute later and grabbed my elbow to stop me, while he was trying so desperately not to laugh again.

"Chloè. I promise I'll tell you as soon as you'll be ready for it, okay?" He gave me a soft smile after I finally looked up to his face, unsure about this situation.

After a while I nodded, what else could I do? I couldn't force him to tell me and if he feels like I'm not ready for it, then I'll wait.
I promise.

"Ohh don't be upset! I'll tell you a secret if you are not upset." Jeremiah suggested as he took a step closer to me, making the space between us almost dissapear.

"Yes!" I yelled furiously and my eyes started shining by the vision of another secret from Jeremiah's mysterious life before he joined our work team.

He moved closer again, now we were like  one body, it wasn't uncomfortable for me at all, the closer he moved the more I was able to smell his parfume, which was like a heaven for me.
He moved his lips to my ear and took a deep quiet breath before another personal confession.

"I think that squirrel liked me better." He whispered to my ear softly and I could feel his triumphant smile growing
on his face.

It took me a while before I realized what did he say to me like a secret, but as soon as I realized it I wanted to punch him so hard.

"Fuck you!" I frowned at him as I started to walk away, because this was simply rude, you can't make someone ready for your personal confession and then say something like this.

Jeremiah caught me again and silently matched his steps with mine, he seemed that he's enjoying this all like nothing before, he was quietly walking next to me, hands in pockets of his jacket and a little smile playing on his face.

"The squirrel didn't like you better tho." I said after a while to make it clear, but I couldn't keep a serious tone or my face expression so we ended up laughing like kids again.

When we finished our attack of laughter we started to walk towards our tour crew again, slightly poking each other once in a while.

"Thank you for staying with me all day." I smiled at him as I stepped at the first step of our bus, now I was almost as tall as him.

"You are my friend and I saw that you might need a company so there's nothing to thank for." Jeremiah smiled back and scratched the back of his head like a little child.

I don't know how or why did I do that, but a second later I was hugging him tight and feeling totally alright at least for a while.
Jeremiah hugged me back and I could feel how surprised but still pleased he was with me making a sudden physical contact with him, because he knew how it was with me and any physical contact since I remember.

"Could you hurry up a bit, honey??!" I heard that annoying voice and when I looked up from Jeremiah's shoulder I saw Cherry standing there, followed by Ed a second ago.

He noticed us right away, his face seemed as if someone just punched him in the stomach.
I know I maybe should let Jeremiah out of my arms, but I couldn't help myself.
The expression of Ed's face was everything I needed to stay in Jeremiah's arms at least forever.

I never wanted to use Jeremiah as a reason for Ed, to make him jealous or anything, but right in that moment I wanted him to see I can move on.
I wanted it sooo soo badly.

Obviously it worked, Ed glanced at me with a sight of a cheated lover, the only question in his eyes was 'Why?'.
He seemed like a child that lost his favorite toy.
Then Cherry grabbed his hand and smiled on him, Ed glanced back at her giving her the brightest smile I had ever seen and even tho I knew seeing us in a hug had to hurt his feelings, when they were passing by us, his eyes never left Cherry's face..

Things you've never had // Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now