Get to know you

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Hi there, dear readers! It's been a while since I posted the last chapter, so I hope you'll be satisfied with this one.
As always leave me a comment and vote please. Let me know what you think.
Remember: Any kind of feedback is more than welcomed here! :)
Enjoy this chapter. ;)

"Chlo? It's time to wake up, boo.." I heard Joy's quiet and sweet voice coming to me through my sleep.

Oh she'd be perfect mum..

I jerked a little, cuddling to soft pillow, still a half way sleeping.

Maybe if I pretend to sleep a bit longer she'll leave..?

"Hey Chlo! Wake up you lil lazy ass!" Joy suddenly yelled at me and the next thing I remember was a hard pillow smack right to my head.

I sat up immediately, shocked and confused by what did just happen.

"Are you mental?!" I groaned at Joy when I saw her laughing at me from the chair.

She was already full prepared for the day. Joy's outfit for today was quite simple, by her, just black shorts to show off her snake tattoo on her left tigh and dark green tiny top.

"No, I'm all you'd ask for. Anyways get your ass from the couch and prepare yourself, Stu wants to talk to you." Joy laughed once again as she opened her yoghurt drink and took a long sip.

"What..?!" I frowned a little as I stood up from the messed couch, leaving it there how it was.
I'll clean it later.

"I said him that you'll be there in 10 minutes." She smiled on me through  yoghurt mustache on her dark purple lips.

"What?! Why did you do that?!" I almost yelled at her when the panic attack striked on my body.

"Why not?" She laughed again, probably it was hilarious for her to watch me running at our place like a maniac, trying to find anything clear enough to wear.

"Where are guys?" I asked as I tried to put on tight jeans, jumping on one foot like an idiot.

"They went for breakfast." She shrugged her shoulders as she took the last sip of the yoghurt drink.

"Okay... I gotta go, wish me luck. Don't you have a chewing gum?" I asked as I quickly grabbed my notebook, I had a clue I'll need it.

"Catch!" She mumbled when she threw on me a pack of them.

"Thanks. See ya soon!" I yelled before I smacked the door behind myself.


After I made it to Stu's bus I slightly knocked on his door, waiting for his response, nervous af.

"Oh.. it's you. Come in." Stu smiled at me as soon as he opened the door.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I asked him, sitting down on the chair he picked for me.

"Do you wanna coffee or something?" Stu asked still with that dad smile on his face as he started to prepare coffee for himself.

"Hmm... That would be pleasant." I nodded after a while.

Say I was in shock wouldn't be enough.
I went to this meeting with thought I'll be fired, but he seems satisfied somehow.

But you're here  just for a couple of minutes...wait for it.

I had to roll my eyes over my inner me, sometimes it's so annoying.

"Hazel or Vanilla?" Stu asked me and brought me back to the reality of his comfortable and quiet bus in red and black shades.

Things you've never had // Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now