A video game

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Hi there, dear readers! Soo here's a new chapter, again a bit longer than I wanted to, anyways I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Remember to vote and comment too, I'd really appreciate it.

"Where the hell were you last night?!" Joy snapped at me as soon as she spotted me sitting on the couch ready to enjoy the first sip of my morning coffee, that one which always touches my soul.

I sighed heavily and put my cup on the table.

This is gonna be hard...

"We just took a round around Paris." I answered her as I stood up to make a coffee for her too.

Isn't it weird you have a coffee maker in your hotel room while there's a caffeteria in this hotel and they would want your money to buy a coffee there? I recon this coffee maker has to be a part of the price for one night in this hotel room.. Haha hotel motel, how's that song again..?

"Chlo! Are you even listening to me?!" Joy raised her voice and brought me back to the reality, I focused my sight on her to see she was still only in her pajamas, which was, yeah you're right, a pine up style shorts and tiny tank top, both were made of silk.

"Um..yes..?" I tried to seem like an interested person, but remember when I told Joy's like my mum? Yes, you can't lie to her. I'm sure she has to have some lie detector in her brain.

"Stop lying! Do you know how mad Stu was when he found out that you two just dissapeared?!" Joy went on with her moral speech and I really wanted to listen to her, but my mind slowly flow to memories of last night and I felt like I'm gonna throw up right away.

I automatically headed a new cup of coffee to Joy and sat down back on the couch.
Joy continued with her moral speech for more than 10 minutes but it was as if she wasn't even there, my mind was full of Matt and how the fuck could I leave him again?

After a while Joy said something about how should I pull myself together and went to the bathroom to make a pinup doll from herself again.

I wrote a message to Matt as soon as I got on the hotel room last night, but still no reply, which didn't make it any easier for me.

"And Stu wants to see you!" Joy yelled from the bathroom as if it wasn't something special.

I didn't even bother myself with makeup or changing my clothes, I headed to Stu's room on in my pajamas' trousers,  T-shirt too big for me and messy bun on my head.

"Oh..Hi." I suddenly heard a happy voice, but sleepy a lot.
When I looked up I met Ed's nervous eyes as he tried to cover another yawn with his palm.

"Hi, where are you going?" I asked with a light smile as I passed by him.

"Stu wants to talk with me." Ed rolled his eyes and smirked at me, which made me laugh a little.
But when I realized that I was standing in front of him in those clothes and with big red eyes cause of that crying tantrum I threw last nigh in bed before I fell asleep.

"Too? Obviously we screwed up." I smiled bitterly as I rubbed my face, after last night everything was kinda awkward.

"So, shall we go?" Ed smiled on me and threw a really quick look at me as we headed towards Stu's room.


At the end of the day I was so exhausted mentally and physically too, I was totally dead, because Stu briefed me about how bad I would end up if I wasn't doing my job right, which leaded to endless day full of shooting and interviews and so on.
And as if this wasn't enough once in a while my mind flown to Matt and this mental emotional rollercoaster started again.
So after I took a shower I wrapped myself into soft blanket and although I tried to focus on editing my mind wasn't about to full field my plan.

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