Memories and sweets

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Hi there, dear readers! I've got a new chapter for you and I know I'm gonna end up in hell for making it about 2100 words long, I tried to edit it but it didn't help at all so I'll try to make this part shorter a bit.
As always leave me some votes and comments, please.
Remember: Any kind of feedback is more than welcomed here! :)
And of course enjoy this chapter! :)

Days went by and I got sick, probably because of that cold and wet rooftop we were sitting on with Ed or because of the endless fear of being in France again.
So or so I had spent last 3 days cuddled up in blanket on our bus' couch watching TV aimlessly.

I felt like my head is about to explode and my throat is about to burn itself and I couldn't even speak, because it was painful AF.

Great Chloè, great! Now you aren't just mentally screwed but physically too! Great job done here!

When I woke up I saw everyone had left to make me some quiet and peaceful place to heal myself.
I almost felt anger against them.
Even tho they did it for the best I couldn't be alone right now, not until we'll leave the border of France.

Otherwise the sound of silence will make me lose the rest of sanity I have... Great.

My eyes lazily traveled around a room, well not exactly a room, but this space in our bus we use to call 'a room'.
It wasn't any pleasant, everything looked so big and strange now, as if I got lost in Wonderland, but maybe it was just cause of the fever heating up my brain.

I clicked my tongue a little to find out I should probably use some chewing gum.
I, somehow, managed myself to sat up but only for a second because of dizzy that striked at me as soon as I raised my head.

"Fuck.."I muttered as I placed my hands under myself to help me sat up, this time I finally made it.

"Oh sweet relief." I breathed out heavily but the worst part of my way was just waiting for me now- try to stand up.

When I finally stood up the dizziness striked me harder this time so I had to lean against the wall for a minute, breathing heavily I had a perfect chance to smell how sweaty and disgusting I was, which made me go and take a shower.


I let the hot water slowly flow down over my naked body, and even tho I could feel that the water was almost boiling I was still shaking because of my internal cold.
I didn't turn on lights in our tiny bathroom, but still I was able to see old scars faded as time goes by, the little ones and the big ones, so many marks of my past.

I know what you think; another suicidal little bitch.. But would you believe me if I told you it wasn't me who left those scars on my body..? Would you..?

I slowly caressed one of the biggest right under my belly button, this one was one of the eldest, and I'd lie if I said I didn't know how I got it...

"Buggy, buggy you really wanna play hide and seek?" His fake nice voice came to my ears and I instinctively pressed closer to the wall under the kitchen sink.

"Don't you know it gets worse then? You wanna make me angry?" His fake sweet voice was now a bit closer.
I started to shake all over my body with endless fear of 4 y.o. kid and placed my palms on my ears to avoid the sound of his repulsive voice.

"Buggy, I'm telling you, don't make me angry, you know how this gonna end..!" This time I heard a quiet treat in his voice and it was somehow closer again and sooner than I could realize it someone grabbed me by my hair and pulled me from the safety of the spacw under the kitchen sink.
I wanted to yelp, but I knew it would make everything even worse.

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