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Hi there, dear readers! I just would like to let you know we are slowly and for some of us who constantly suffer with a writer's block very painfully moving to the very end of this story and I just would like to thank you all for even just open any chapter and read a bit of it.
Anyway leave me some comment and vote please to let me know your opinion.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I shouted on Matt in english, I was too excited to click my brain from English to French.

"Ed spent a lot of time trying to get me here. He was basically attacking me with billions of calls and messages and what kind of person would I be if I didn't do everything for my personal stalker?" Matt laughed out loud and finally put me on the ground.

My eyes found Ed's smiling face, I was confused and touched, but most of all I was grateful, endlessly grateful for having in my life someone so kind and emphatic as Ed.

He threw a shy smile on me automatically when he noticed I was staring at him.

"So will we cross the borders of this damned state or what?" Matt a half shouted as he took a look around himself and spotted my crew, they were watching us as if they couldn't understand what the fuck is going on.

His sentence hit me like a truck, he said 'will we', then he had to mean all of us, he had to mean himself too..

All I was able to do was stare at him as if I lost my shit, I even let my jaw open and suddenly I felt the dizziness coming, I felt how my knees went weak in less than a second, when I caught Matt's sight, his sparkling blue eyes and how the morning's sunbeams were making them as the deepest darkest blue ocean filled with brother's love.
The one elder brothers keep for their stupid overreacting and emotionally unstable younger sisters.

"You.. You'll go with us? For how long..?" I breathed out, voice shaking and weak as I took a step away from him.

"For how long you'll want me to be there." Matt laughed again and it was as if the lion roared, rough and loud.
Just as I remembered it.

"Like.. No joke?" I asked again, still unconvinced by his words, I didn't want to keep that little hope which will fuck me up at the end when I'll find out it's not like that.

"Do I look like a someone who would do something like that?" He raised one of his eyebrows the way only Matt and Joy do and I almost fainted on the ground when I realized he really meant it.

I couldn't help myself but jump on him again, laughing and crying at the same time again as he caught me and hold me like the most precious thing in his life and maybe I really was the only thing he had had in his life.

"Who is this?" We heard a surprised and very exhausted voice and when Matt let me go I saw Stu standing there, face like a King of the hell itself.
I couldn't blame him for being like this, he had to be more than tired dealing with my shits over and over.

"That's Matt, Chloè's brother. He'll join us, is that okay?" Ed smiled on Stu with the most innocent smile in the whole world as he raised his head up a bit.

Stu's surprised sight traveled from Ed to me and Matt and then back again, he obviously couldn't believe what was happening in the moment.

"Okay.. You know what? I'm done with this." He laughed after a while and rubbed his face tiredly, I don't need to say how much it shocked us all.

After Matt introduced himself to Stu we slowly started to walking towards my crew to introduce Matt to them too.
Matt and Stu at the front talking about cars, I was glad they found common topic, and in the back me and Ed.
We didn't speak at all, in the matter of fact we were just quietly walking next to each other, softly bumping with our sides to each other, throwing a little smile at each other once in a while.

Things you've never had // Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now