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Hi there, dear readers! I'm just letting you know that I don't know when I'll be able to post a new chapter, but I'll try my best to post it as soon as possible. :)
Plus: I'm so sorry this chapter is about 2000 words long I tried my best to edit it, but still it's long af, so I hope you won't be offened. :/ :)
Anyways as always just let me know what you think through comments and votes, if you want to. :)
And of course enjoy this chapter!

Another week passed by and we finally left Spain behind.

It was one of those rainy days you'd spend cuddled up in blanket with good book and even better coffee, but unfortunately I didn't get this opportunity, instead of this I was sitting in our bus, on the couch, arms leaned on the back of the couch and head rested on my arms I was watching two raindrops rolling down on that window glass, it was some kind of race and to be honest with you, my favorite in this race was the tiny one on the left.

We were quickly moving our asses to our next tour stop which wasn't anywhere else but Paris, France.

And I felt how melancholy started to slowly filling my soul.
I'd close my eyes and still know where exactly were we.
Those tiny little villages we were passing by were so familiar yet so strange.
Even air was different once we crossed the border of France, or maybe wasn't any different, maybe it was just me wishing it'd be different..
Because if it was different I'd pretend it wasn't all my fault...

Tha rain..oh yeah the rain, it was the only thing I always loved about France, that cold rain falling down from sky for hours and hours.
I'd stand in rain for all night, enjoying every freezing raindrop falling on my body.

How I've been missing rain of France... Almost as much as... Nevermind.

I've never been thinking I'd come back to France again.
But here I am, sitting in our bus and with glassy eyes watching that raindrop's race.
Today's my birthday, I'm turning 23 and the fact I'll celebrate it in France didn't make it any better.
Plus that fact no one really remembered that today's my birthday, I mean I was glad they wasn't jumping around me happy because I'm getting older, but I felt like I needed someone to care, to show me they care about me.

And.. Ed.. Of course, this day isn't only a day of my birth but it's also a forever reminder how everything screwed up a year ago...

So now I'm just sitting here and letting all that sweet melancholy fill my body just as rain outside is filling every hole with cold tiny raindrops..

How pathetic...

"Chloè..?" Suddenly that deep kind voice brang me back to the reality, voice of the only one who always pronounce my name correctly.
I blinked a few times to brush off of my mind that melancholic shit.

"Yes, Jeremiah? What's it?" I turned my eyes to him as he sat down next to me on couch.
Today he had black sweatshirt and jeans of the same color, it was so weird for me to see him in anything else but white perfectly ironed shirt.

"It's not easy to going back from where you once ran away..." He said and his dark wise eyes were full of kindness as always.

I smiled weakly, I wasn't even surprised that he knows it.
I don't know why, but internaly I was always sure Jeremiah knew a lot about my past.

"No, it's definitely not.." I mumbled as I turned my sight back to the window.
Jeremiah nodded taking a quick look on others, they were sitting around the table in the front side of our bus playing some board game and laughing loudly.

"You know... You don't have to feel guilty, that you left somebody France.." He said again, just so, as if we were talking just about basic stuffs.
But for me it was just like an arrow to my heart.

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