Gas station

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Hi there! :) In this chapter are things slowly changing, finally.
So enjoy it and please remember to give it vote and if you wanted to you'd write a comment too. :)

"So...what do you think?" Joy sat down next to me on the couch with a dewy can of Cola in her hand.
I can't blame her for drinking something so disgusting, the weather outside is like a livin' hell.

"Um..It's OK." I mumbled as I wrote down another note about interview we'll have with Ed this evening.
I was so nervous about it that I could only barely think about anything else.

"That's all? Heey girl! Wake up, we're on the tour!" She yelled from excitement as she wiggled with my shoulder.

I chuckled a little and tried to get away from her black sharp nails, which thrusted into my naked shoulder as if it was some daggers.

"It will be fun." I added with more cheering voice and even I was surprised that I meant it.

I took a look around myself.
Tim and Jeremiah were playing pocker on the table in the front part of bus and twins?
Simple, they were doing things as always, which is picking up girls.
To be more specific they were exactly yelling on the passengers from cars we were passing during our journey.
Don't worry they always made sure it was a girl when they screamed.

Good music was playing loudly and we were quickly moving to our first 'tour-stop', Barcelona.
Everyone were enjoying this trip as if it was our tour, and in the matter of fact it really somehow was ours, this moment belonged just to us.
I smiled happily and finally I felt relaxed.
I mean, no matter if it's Mr. Fucking Sheeran's tour and I'll have to meet him every single day, I won't let anything to ruin this amazing trip and my mood, this belongs to us!

"That's it! Smileee!" Joy gave me cheek kiss and with the biggest smile of hers she joined guys in their pocker game.
I started to laugh as I was wiping off of my face her bright red lipstick.

This gonna be awesome!


Finally we stopped at Gas station to get a break and gas of course.
We, smokers, went to parking spot to get some nicotine into our lungs.

I took my dark green bomber, not because it was cold outside, but just because I really didn't want to walking around almost naked, since my white crop top is only barely covering my chest, not that there was anything to cover, ha.

When I finally got out of that bus and lit my cigarette on the parking spot I re-read a paper where I had all notes because of that first interview with Ed.
My hand with cigarette was shaking so much it was almost unable to cover it, gosh.
I've always been gotten some important points I should talk about but I also can make up something by myself, so I added there few questions by myself, some I wanted to know answers for so badly.

Right in the moment when I threw away a cigarette butt, someone raised me up with so amused and loud laughter I knew who it was immediately.

"John, Josh, you two idiots! Put me back on the ground! Right now!" I yelled as they placed me on their shoulders so I was sitting there, on their shoulders which they placed right next to each other and they were even holding my back and my hands to make sure I won't fall down, but still I was so damn scared.

"Pretend you're a queen! C'mon!" They yelled on me, still laughing and walking with me around all members of tour crew who were on the parking spot as if I really was some queen.
I couldn't blame them and in the matter of fact it was kinda cute.
I started to laugh and greet to people with my hand as queens do.
Everyone were laughing so hard and even bowing down when we were going around them.

"Tim! Tim go get our private camera! We have to film this!"Joy shouted on Tim as he step out of the bus.

I turned to her and saw Ed, he was standing a few feets away from us, with some guys, they all were smoking, these guys were laughing so hard they almost passed out, but Ed wasn't.
He was staring at us as if we lost our minds totally.
He was frowning and watching us with a really weird rage.
I could tell even from that distance he was pissed off, I used to know him, but I never ever saw him that pissed.
Maybe that day I saw him for the last time.. Yeah that day he was pissed off like this.

"My queen! My queen do you want to say anything to your vassals?" Tim asked me with professional voice as he pointed the camera on me.

"Yeah, all my lovely people I love you all and I hope you all are doing well but now we should really do our work." I laughed as I was trying to get back down.
Twins helped me but wasn't very happy that they have to work.

"Okey so we'll take few snapshots of tour buses, then few of Ed Sheeran and his crew and then we'll take few snapshots during the ride.
So it really doesn't matter who's gonna do what but we need to get it done before the CIG break ends, ok?" I told to my crew with bossy voice when they came closer to hear my plan.

"She's so bossy!" Tim said to the camera and got a little snap from me, we all laughed and then they finally went to do their work.
I turned a bit just to take a quick look at Ed, he was watching me now with totally shocked face.
One of the members whispered something to him, both of them were watching me.
Ed just nodded still watching me totally tranced.

Yeah boy, I am no more that crying mess.

I smiled to myself satisfied with emergence of situation and went back to our bus just to look after all to do their work right...


It's here! Damn god it's here! Shitshitshitshitshitshit!

I ran through my dark brown hair with my fingers, nervous as never before when I knocked on the doors of bus which was Ed's.

We finally was just few miles away from Barcelona, but we had to stop because our drivers needed a break and Stu came up with perfect idea that while we all will have a break we could do our first interview with Ed.

After a while someone opened the doors and I stand still in shock.
I mean yeah I expected it will be Ed, but still I was in shock it really was him, you get me?

"Hi." He breathed out quietly, eyes wide open.

"Hi.." I mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

And then ...awkward silence... How sad.

Things you've never had // Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now