The end

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Hi there, dear readers! I want you to know how important this all was for me and I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for being here and reading this stupid crazy love story!
I honestly love you so much and to be honest it was very hard for me to write the last chapter.
Thanks for all your support.
(P.S.: It may be a bit short but there weren't more words in need.)

"Ed.. I am engaged." She whispered as she looked down on her big black boots.

"What?" I mumbled in total confusion and if she didn't catch me I'd end up on the ground again.

What?! What?! WHAT?!... No...

"No.." That's all I was able to say, it was as if someone took my guts and squeezed them into a purée, it hurt so freaking much I was sure I'm gonna die.

"Yes. I'm getting married in a half year." She nodded and when she turned her sight to me again, her eyes were full of tears.

"Chloè, no! Don't do it! You know you don't want it!" I screamed suddenly when the panic striked at me and hugged her tightly, crying like a little shit.

"Give me a chance.. Just give me some time.. Please.." I whispered hopelessly into her hair, she was shaking from the waves of cry striking her body over and over again.

"No!!" She suddenly screamed as she pulled me away from her, which almost made me fall on the ground again.

"You want a chance?! And where have you been all those months I was waiting for you?! How you dare to come to me now and want another chance when you only were with me for a couple of days before you broke up with me?! What the fuck do you want?! I owe you a shit!" She screamed at me as she was punching me into my chest, it was painful but I deserved it so I let her.

"Chloè! Listen up! Hey... I-I don't know what should I say.. I had to finish the Tour and then I was.. I was too scared... But you were all over my mind all the time I swear!" I tried to explain to her how it all was but obviously she didn't want to hear my version of the truth.

"No! Ed, no! I don't give a shit! I... You already got your chance..." She whispered sadly as she went back to the doors of the house.

"Chloè!" I called after her once again, totally hopeless with this possible option I may lose her forever.
The panic stroke on me.

"Go home Ed, it's the best..for both of us.." She smiled at me again, sadness written all over her face.

It's all or nothing..

I took a few steps to her, nervous and heavily breathing I took a look on her amazing soft lips and then I dit it.
I kissed her.
I kissed her with all my passion.
It was hopeless.
The last straw.
It was the stupidest and the saddest kiss in the history of kissing.

Suddenly we both heard a sound of unlocking door and it was a second before we jumped off of each other, nervous as for the first time.


"Is everything okay, love?" Jeremiah smiled on Chloè softly and took a step towards her.
It wasn't until then when I realized what was happening there.


It took me a couple of seconds to understand what happened during the time I was on the Tour.
I remember Jeremiah left the Tour too but I would never believe it could be because of my Chloè.

Suddenly all I was was endless red.
I was so pissed off!
I mean how could this happen?!

It wasn't until I saw Jeremiah lying on the side walk with bloody nose and crushed lip I realized what did I do.

I punched him.
Right into the face.
It was all like a scene from some bloody romantic movie.
Never sleeping streets of New York, a girl loved by two guys and far sound of a sirene was all I need to get crazy, but as if this wouldn't be enough it started snowing.

When I finally found her eyes there wasn't anything from the wave of love and regret she felt for me minutes ago.
She was no longer that cute little mess I used to call my own happiness.
Not for me.

"Leave." She said, voice cold and full of hatred when she helped to Jeremiah.

That was the time I realized she will never be able to keep up with me and my life.
That was the moment when I realized I lost her forever.

The last memory I've got of her is her hopelessly kneeing on the dirty side.

Things you've never had // Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now