Everything has changed

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Hi there again, I'm just letting you know it would be really lovely if you'd read my Work called 'We both are a mess' first, just in case you didn't read 'Dear reader'.
And I'm really sorry for my English skills.
Anyways enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you think about it and of course vote on it. Please. :)

It's going to be a date soon, little anniversary or something, it will happen in two weeks from this day, first of all I'm about to turn a year older again and the second of all it's going to be a year since I saw Ed for the last time, this day will be harder than others, cause a year ago, exactly this day what is about to come in two weeks, reminds me all of it once again.

Could you believe this two things happened in one day?
I mean my birthday and Ed's 'break-up' or some other shit you'd consider as an end of something..both of them happened in one day!

I'd lie if I said I didn't miss him or I didn't once in a while cry for no reason or I didn't throw away everything what would remind me of this ginger asshole..

I smiled bitterly as I turned to the window in my little office with perfect clear view on New York.

A lot of things has changed in my life since then, I finally got the job, I am a boss of one small department , I have my own team in one music TV station.
My job here is doing interviews with famous musicians and let their fans see them differently than they already know them.

It's amazing job and I love it, I can't believe I started as an assistent..

"Chloè, can I talk to you for a minute?" I heard my boss Bob as he entered my office.

"Yeah, what's up?" I turned on my chair to him with a light smile.

Bob wasn't typical boss as you'd imagine him, he was small a little bit chubby and almost bald but his amazing temperament and enthusiasm with friendly smile let you forgot that he's already in his 50.

"First of all, happy birthday!" He yelled from excitement and gave me little cupcake with lighten candle he had in his hand.

My heart melted, I didn't suppose that someone would remember this and the fact it's a wrong day can't ruin how happy I felt.

"Ahh thank you, Bob. That's really sweet from you. But my birthday will be in two weeks, not today!" I smiled on him brightly and a little bit confused as I took that cupcake from his hand.

"You're welcome, Chloè, yeah and that's why I am greeting you, cause in two weeks you won't be here." He smiled on me unearthly.

"What?" I could feel cold sweat on my neck.

They want to fire me?!

"Calm down. After almost a year with us you did amazing work here and your interviews have almost the highest outcomes of all we've been broadcasting." He almost shouted on me with his insanely happy voice.

"That's great, but why are you telling me?" I raised my eyebrows kinda scared by him and suddenly I noticed that light green folder he had in his hands.

Green folders are only for really really big deals, so..

"I am telling you this all because you girl are going to do a tour document about one really big star!" He yelled on me and I was scared he'll get infarct because of his excitement as he threw that folder at my desk.

"What?!" I yelled from excitement too, I mean no one who's here shorter than 3 years have never gotten green folder! These are the biggest deals we can reach here!
I couldn't even tell how happy I was.

Things you've never had // Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now