"Morning boner"

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Hi there, dear readers!
Since the last few chapters (yes, I'm talking directly to you 'A video game') weren't special for y'all I hope this chapter will change your mind and you'll leave a comment and vote here, please.
Remember: any kind of feedback is more than welcomed here!

"Chloè..." Ed softly murmured to my ear as he cuddled to my hair, voice husky and cracked a bit.
It gave me shivers all over my body right away.

I looked at the bus cell as a soft smile ran over my face when I stretched my arms and felt how Ed's arm squeezed around my waist as if he was afraid in his sleep that I'd run away.

The next morning after playing a video game with Ed I found myself waking up in his arms on his couch.
And I'd lie if I said it wasn't pleasant for me to feel his body pressed against mine.

Suddenly I heard a significant coughing bringing me back to the reality and when I looked to find out what was it I almost died right away because it wasn't anyone else but Stu and my entitre crew staring at us as if we were making out or something.

I freaked out and tried to stand up immediately, which caused that I kicked Ed into his ribs by mistake.

"Wild dreams?" Ed murmured and reached for me to pull me back into his arms, still a half sleeping.

"Ed!" I hissed and threw an apologetic smile at Stu and my crew who were still just standing there and staring at us without a word.

"What?" Ed murmured again and slowly opened his eyes to meet 6 pairs of very confused and kinda angry eyes.

"Fuck!" He muttered and sat up right away, eyes wide open and scared of how they found us lying on his couch.

And then there was that damned moment of dead silence, which makes you feel embarrassed to the bones, I could possibly feel how red my face was in that moment.

"Err... Ed may I talk to you for a second?" Stu raised his eyebrows, voice weak and really weird, his eyes never looking at me.

"Of course." Ed nodded and stood up awkwardly, but unfortunately for every one of us he forgot about this little thing happening to the boys and men all around the world every morning.
A boner.

As soon as I saw it pressing against his Capri trousers I felt like I'm gonna kill myself right away, because it took me only one look to find out my crew and Stu saw it too, and how wouldn't they when it was so...obvious?

When Ed find out where were we all looking at I can tell you I had never seen someone turn red in face so fast.
He took a quick side look at me and I tried my best to look anywhere else but at him, I really did, but somehow my eyes always managed their way on that.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm a holy bitch who yells: "Bleeeh!" with a high pitched voice any time she sees a guy's boner, it's just that he was lying on the couch, his body pressed against mine and he woke up with a boner, I mean I really can't think it's because of me, because it's clearly an usual thing to happen, or it would be if he didn't murmur 'Chloè' to my ear that very specific way before...

"I'll rather give you a second." Stu sighed heavily and waved with his hand in the air to make Ed go to the bathroom and pull himself together.

Ed didn't dare to look at me again, he just quickly moved to the bathroom of his bus and I?
Well, I stood up awkwardly and with another apologetic smile left Ed's bus to deal with what just happened.

I sat down on the stairs of our bus and started to look for my cigarettes to find out I left them in Ed's bus.

"Fuuuck..." I muttered and ran a fingers through my messed hair, feeling totally embarrassed.

"That was pretty dope!" I heard Joy's cheerful voice and when I looked up she headed me one cigarette with her usual amused smile as she threw herself on the stairs next to me.

"Thanks.." I mumbled as I took that cigarette from her hand and lit it up right away.

This would be amazing morning, we were just a few miles away from the border of France and the next concert should be in  two days in Milan, Italy.
It would be perfect morning if some certain things didn't happen and yes I am talking about me and Ed cuddled to each other on his couch, then about Ed's boner and then if this wasn't enough for you about Matt who had not sent me a stupid message since I texted him.

Good morning France I think I'm gonna hate you again!

"Sooo.. Did you and Ed..?" Joy asked and if I didn't know her I wouldn't probably notice her mischievous smile in a combination of her 'one-eyebrow-up' look when I looked at her.

"What? Nooo!" I frowned at her, surprised she wasn't mad at me, obviously not at all.

"Oh God! And I was hoping so badly that it will be Ed who will bring you to the 7th heaven!" She yelped and when I smacked her to her thigh she started to laugh out loud and I had to join her.
I mean what could I do anyways? Joy is simply a joy.

"Fuck you!" I bubbled in laughter and spotted the rest of our crew slowly coming to us from Ed's bus, they were as loud as possible, of course.

"I think I'm not the one you should fuck with!" Joy grinned at me and we broke out in another wave of laughter right in the moment the guys reached us.
And thanks God I wasn't that stupid to think they'd leave this topic for once, because Joy was just a light version of what was waiting for me from the men's side.

"Chloè explain this to me: You never let me to cuddle to you in bed and you'll let Ed to have a boner next to you?" John snapped at me in fake anger as he turned his snapback to have a peak on the back of his head, as if he was getting ready to fight.
We all started to laugh of course.

"Yeah! That's true! When I asked you to have sex with me you said no right away and then you'll make out with Ed?! That's not something a friend would do!" Tim joined this roast club with high pitched voice and lit up his cigarette as everyone broke out in laughter.

"As it's said in the Holy Bible: First you suck a dick of your friend then you'll suck a dick of a stranger!" Josh imitated a priest's voice and we all couldn't even breath at that point, so we ended up as a bunch of muted sea lions agressively waving with their hands in the air in the purpose to stop laughing and breath for once.

Right in the moment we all cought our breath Stu came out of Ed's caravan and Ed right after him, he was bowed down a little, all tensed and nervous, he threw a quick look at us and even dared to smile at my crew, but when his eyes met mine his smile dissapeared as quickly as it grew before and he looked away immediately.
And tensed even more, his eyes never leaving the ground.
Before I could call after him both of them disappeared behind the bus.
Everyone obviously saw what I did because when I swallowed hardly and somehow forced myself to look at them, their looks were really worried...

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