Personal confession

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Hi there, dear readers! After a long time I'm finally posting a new chapter so I hope someone would like it.
Leave me a comment and vote if you want to, I'd really appreciate it. Remember: Any kind of feedback is more than welcomed here!

I was standing face to face her and let me be honest with you; I'd rather faced Satan himself than Cherry.

She smiled on me again and for someone who doesn't know our common past this all could look like reunion of old friends but I knew that this is worse than when Rick faced a  million zombies in Atlanta for the first time and I was goddamn scared.

"Hi.." I breathed out as I quickly closed Ed's notebook but I knew she already saw me reading it and I simply couldn't decide what would be worse; her telling Ed about me reading his personal diary or her finding out what's written there.

However she, which genuinely surprised me, wasn't interested in Ed's diary not in that moment.

"Where's Ed?" She smiled at me again, but her eyes were colder than the deepest ocean. 

"On his concert. I can get you there." I suggested and I didn't even know why, maybe I just didn't feel like fighting at all, not that night.

"Oh really? Let's go then!" She chirped with fake happy voice and grabbed my elbow to drag me into the concert hall a moment later.

I showed the V.I.P ticket to the security and told them that this creepy psycho is going with me and they just let us go.

If I'm counting properly Ed should finish it any minute now...

"Gosh it takes so long! I'm going to find a coffee somewhere here." Cherry rolled her eyes and with last disgusted sight she threw on me, left that hall to find some coffee.

And I was glad for that, because if I stayed with her in that hall a minute longer I'd go crazy.
This wasn't normal, she wasn't normal.. Her behaving towards me was a way too kind and I knew she has something planned for sure.

What's it Cherry? What do you have for me?

"Chloè, you showed up.." I suddenly heard a surprised but very happy voice and when I looked up I saw Ed.

He was standing there in the middle of the move as if he was scared that I'd run away if he did one more step, a guitar in his hand and soft smile on his face as he rubbed off of his face few wet hair.
His eyes were filled with such an surprise and confusion but happiness at the same time, because I had always refused to go on his concerts, but look at me now; here I was, standing in the hall facing this adorbale ginger with a billion of variations of slight smile.

I breathed out quietly and even managed myself to smile at him, but before I could say a word I heard loud steps and then all I saw was chirping girl who just jumped on Ed.

"Surprise! I just couldn't wait for you a day longer!" Cherry chirped and kissed this confused and genuinely surprised ginger who threw a very shocked look at me.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" She a half screamed on him and kissed him very passionately, she obviously forgot about me or she didn't even care.
But Ed did, he threw a quick look at me and then closed his eyes furiously as if he didn't want me to look at them.
And to be honest with you I couldn't look at that, because for some strange reason any time my sight traveled to them it was as if someone squeezed my guts.

The best thing I could do was turn away from their passionate reunion and walk away as fast as possible, who would want to see it anyway?

As I was heading back to hide myself in our bus my crew just bumped into me laughing and being loud as always.
But two people were missing.
Joy and Matt.

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