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Hi there, dear readers! Hope you'll enjoy this chapter, we are just a step away from the end and I hope you won't be disappointed. :)
Leave me a vote or a comment to let me know what you think so far.

A week passed by, we left Italy behind and now we were on our way to Munich, concerts in Italy were nothing I'd remember and that's maybe because of that little fact Ed and I weren't friends anymore.

Since that day in the chill center we both started to see our relationship only on a professional way.
Our conversations were strictly professional and we only talked to each other when we were on set.

Things went a crazy way...

"Chloshy, are you here?" I heard Matt's voice calling me back from my messed up mind.

"Um... Yeah. What's up?" I frowned at him in purpose to concentrate on his confession, but I didn't even have to, lately his evergreen topic for a conversation was nothing but Joy and I would lie if I said I wasn't happy because of them, but after some time it gets a bit..boring.

"I was saying that I would like to propose to Joy." Matt smiled on me his dreamy way and I just nodded slightly.

That was until I realized what did he just said to me.
Then I jumped off of the chair I was sitting on and with eyes wide open I was just staring at him as if he lost his mind.

"You would like to propose to Joy?!" I a half screamed on him, shocked and confused by his sudden confession.

"Calm down psycho! I said I would like to propose to her, I didn't say I would like to do it any soon now." Matt started to laugh and shook his head above me, this time it was him who thought I lost my goddamn mind.

"Oh...Okay.... Then when?" I sat down again, giving him a puzzled look as I hugged myself with my arms, waiting for him to speak.

"One day... I don't know maybe after a month maybe after 10 years... But she's the first girl I actually want to be my wife. For the first time in my life I feel like getting married with someone. She's giving me the light I've been missing and I feel that this is not just for a while.. It's for the rest of my life.. You get me?" He smiled on me shyly and took a look around, we were currently sitting on the stairs of our bus, smoking and enjoying first morning coffee together, while our crew was inside, chilling before our next tour stop.

I nodded again, touched this time, because when I thought about it for a while I realized Joy's exactly what I had wanted for Matt and that Matt's exactly what I had wanted for Joy.

At least this relationship is going the way how it's supposed to..

"Well, I'm happy for you and if you want to I will help you with planning it and so on.." I smirked at him after a while as I took a sip of my coffee.

"That would be awesome." He laughed in his quick French and it what that moment when I spotted Ed slowly heading towards us.
My heart skipped a beat and I quickly looked down on my knees to avoid an eye contact with him.

"What happened between you two?" Matt asked quietly, his eyes never leaving this ginger slowly walking towards us.

"Nothing.." I mumbled awkwardly and started to nitpick my shoes, all I wanted was disappear and never ever come back again and definitely not talking to Ed.
But Ed obviously had a different point of view because a minute ago his scent attacked my nose.

"Hi. I just wanted to make sure that we'll start with this next interview at 6..?" He asked quietly, I didn't see whether or not was he smiling, because the only thing I was able to concentrate at was his shoes, I refused to travel upper and meet his eyes.

"Chloshy...? That's a question for you." Matt poked me into ribs and I wanted to kill him right away.

Not happy to do that I looked up into Ed's blue eyes looking down at me, a question marked in his sight.

"Yes, of course." I said, voice rough and strange as I blinked a few times to avoid the pain slowly growing inside of me.

He seemed as if he wanted to say something else, but he changed his mind a second ago and left us wirhout a word.

"Well..shit." Matt brightly said aloud what was in my mind, throwing away a cigarette butt he looked at me with a sight of someone who already knew everything without even telling him.

Well, shit...


It was around midnight when I decided to take a walk around our parking spot, get some deadly smoke into my lungs and mostly try to figure out what will I do now, when everything turned to shit.

Perhaps it wasn't my destiny to enjoy quiet and peaceful night walk, because I heard loud voices suddenly coming to me from where our tour buses were parked.

I didn't want to listen to their fight, I really didn't mean to, but as soon as I heard how she started to scream on him I couldn't help myself, all I wanted was get in there and kick that bitch's ass for yelling at Ed in such a way.
Even tho I and Ed didn't mean a thing anymore, still I felt like I should do something.

"..And Melody told me that you are fucking with that little bitch!" Cherry screamed, voice high and pitched as a little raccoon.

"How the fuck would she knows that?! And you know what?! I don't give a fuck! I don't give a fuck what your friends think about me and all my big faults! Not anymore!" Ed shouted back with rough voice a bit cracked by emotions.

"That's great! You really are the best boyfriend I could ever got!!!" Cherry screamed and only I, a girl, could hear that hopelessness quickly growing in her voice.

"Thanks! And darling stop calling Chloè a bitch, do me a favor!" Ed snapped sarcastically.

"And how should I call her? She's nothing but a bloody whore!" She snapped back with the same sarcastic voice.

"Oh, fuck you.." Ed chuckled, bitterly.

"Wooow! And here we are again! Our poor Eddie drinks again instead of dealing with problems like adults do!" Cherry yelled as if she was a moderator in a box game.

"Oh honey, be sure, this is exactly how adults do.." Ed chuckled bitterly again, it was so rough and full of instant hate.

"Stop with that fucking drinking!" She yelled, then I heard a punch and sound of breaking glass.

And then just endless silence.

After a while I heard Ed's angry groaning.

"Take your bloody stuff and get the fuck out of here. We're done!"

"Okay! See you never!" She yelled back and then I just barely hided myself behind the door when she opened them up as if she was ready to kill everyone who'd cross her way.

Okay, it's time to leave Chloè! Just slowly and quietly, no one needs to see you here! Step by step, slowly, veeeeryyy slooowly...

And of course I had to step on the only one dry stick on the area of hundred miles.

"Holy crap!" I muttered to myself as my whole body tensed with that unbelievably loud sound.

"Who the hell is that again?!" Ed groaned angrily, voice drunk and exhausted.

"Oh it's you.." He stated when he finally saw me a half bowed on my way out of there.

"Come in.." Ed added before he turned back into his bus, steps weak and shaky as if he already drank a bottle of Vodka.

I took a deep breath and walked into his bus, closing the door behind me, not really sure what am I about to do..

Things you've never had // Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now