Everything's okay

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Hi there, dear readers! Well...sh*t. I screwed up I know but believe me I did everything I could to make this chapter 1500 words long at the most but... You know, sh*ts just happen. Haha.
Anyway I hope you'll like this chapter, remember to vote and comment, please. :)

A couple of days later I found myself totally unable to handle this new situation  when on the one hand I had loving Ed wanting with all his heart to be with me however on the other hand I had my personal ocean of endless guilt because of Cherry.

And let me be honest with you; Ed wasn't making it any easier for me...

Since our first kiss anytime he was anywhere near to me he never missed a chance to touch me or give me a little kiss somewhere behind my ear, if he was sure no one would see us of course.
He would do literally everything to show me his love, for example the day after we kissed I was a little bit upset because I lost a photo of Bacon I used to have in my wallet and he asked Joy (without me having a clue about it) to give him a phone number of our neighbor who was looking after Bacon currently to ask her if she wouldn't mind to take a photo of my cat and send it to him and a day later I had a brand new photo of Bacon in my wallet.
I almost cried.

"Chlo! Wake up!" Joy's happy laughter brought me back to the reality to find out I had my coffee already cold, which wasn't good, but worst was that all my employees were looking at me as if I was supposed to say something.

"Ehm.. What?" I frowned a little, embarrassed they caught me day dreaming again.

"We were discussing whether or not is it right to put ananas on pizza." Tim winked at me with his crooked smile.

It took me a while before I realized what was they talking about, but as soon as I did I wanted to kill them right away.

"Oh fuck you guys, you're talking shits!" I rolled my eyes as I let out a sarcastic chuckle and lost my interest in this conversation forever.

Instead of listening to them arguing about something so stupid I let my mind wander all around when I started to feel those warming eyes on me again.

It wasn't hard to find an owner of these eyes; Ed were standing a few feet away from us with his friends, they were having fun, but Ed's all attention was on me.
He gifted me a soft smile when he realized I was watching him.
Then he looked down nervously and joined the conversation with his friends, but before I turned away I spotted him throwing a quick look at me again.

I was smiling like an idiot, that was only until I remembered Cherry's broken sight staring back at me the night I kissed her boyfriend, in that moment I felt like I'll throw up very soon.

When we finished our morning cigarette and started work again, which meant preparing another Ed's concert this time, I tried to find a work where I'll be as far away from others as possible.

But Ed wouldn't let this happen so easily, even tho we never really did come out with being together he didn't mind to come to me and hug me from behind and give me a kiss as always somewhere behind my ear.

I pressed my head against his shoulder, grateful for him being there at that moment.

"Good morning. I didn't get the chance to greet you before. How was your sleep?" He a half whispered to my ear, still  hugging me from behind as he was watching me preparing some cables guys from Ed's team asked me to prepare.

"I didn't get much sleep but those few hours were really relaxing. What about you?" I smiled and smelled his perfect scent once again as I was trying to find a system in those cables.

"How comes? I slept like a dead man. But I woke up so hungry.." He yelped like a little kid, which made me laugh uncontrollably.

Ed turned me to face him and hugged me tight again as he started to laugh with his clear happy laughter, giving me shivers right away.

Things you've never had // Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now