And so it begins

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Hi there, dear readers!
Enjoy this chapter. :)
Again just reminding to all of you:  leave me some feedback, if you want to. I'd really appreciate it. :)

"Holy crap!" I yelped quietly as I turned off my phone-alarm and sat on my bed, stretching my arms, tired and exhausted.


Usually I have no problem with waking up this early, but today after sleeping in driving bus and after what happened last night with Mr. Fucking Asshole Sheeran I had a little trouble with staying awake.

I somehow managed myself to stand up from my bed and go to something that should be bathroom, it was just a tiny space with the tinniest shower ever, I took a quick bath and brushed my teeth before I put my make up on, just as much as necessary and changed my clothes into something representative, which was ripped jeans and too big black hoodie, haha representative AF.
We arrived to Barcelona around 3am and now we're standing at private parking spot of Concert Hall where's Mr. Fucking Asshole Sheeran about to play tonight his first concert of this tour.

I exited our bus with cigarettes and my wallet just cause I desperately wanted a coffee, it's been my drug since I remember, so I decided to buy one.
When I lit up my cigarette I looked around me, it was almost unbelievable how quiet this place was, we were right in the Barcelona's center, but there, on that private parking spot, it was quiet as if we were somewhere on the end of the world.
No screaming fans as I expected, no cars, no rush.
So peaceful.

I went out of that private parking spot to find some coffee shop opened this early and was that lucky to ran into Starbucks, how unexpectable!

I bought large coffee and only barely knew what kind of coffee it was, but it was quick and easy to get, hot as hell itself, large, and finally-it was caffeine.
So when I was heading back to that parking spot with a big crucible of coffee in my hand and phone in the other hand, smiling for no specific reason, I didn't notice it at first.

But as soon as I came closer I saw someone sitting on the stairs of one of the buses.
At first I didn't recognize who was it, because that person had a hoodie on and his head was covered in a big hood, as he was sitting there and smoking quietly, totally focused on his thoughts.
But then, when he looked up and met my confused eyes with the same surprised sight, I couldn't pretend no longer I had no clue who was it.
It was Mr. Fucking Asshole Sheeran himself!

My smile dissapeared as I broke eye contact with him, quickly heading to our bus, before things gon' wrong way.
But he wouldn't let this happen.

"Chloè..?" He called me by my name quietly and my heart melted again.

How I hate the way you make me feel just by calling me by my name..!

I closed my eyes for a second, regretting I didn't took a walk around a city center as I wanted earlier, before I took a deep breath and faced him.

Couldn't you just let me go to the bus, without talking to me..? Things would be easier...

"What?" I asked, voice cold AF, when I put down on the stairs of our bus a pack of coffee-crucibles for my coworkers.

"Come here..." He said, playing with a cigarette between his fingers.
I raised my eyebrows, what was it..a command?

He finally understood why I was staring at him with that condescending smile.

"Oh sorry.. Could-Could you please come here?" He stuttered, blushing a little as he looked down at his shoes.

It was kinda cute.. What the hell?! Stop!!

I rolled my eyes and came that few steps to him, waiting for anything he wanted to say to me.
It was like yesterday, buy today I had no hope for any apologize, all I was expecting was some bullshits or small talk.
So I lit up another cigarette, placing my curcible next to him, as he moved to make me some space on those stairs.

"Sit down, please." He mumbled as he inhaled nervously, not even looking to my eyes.
I rolled my eyes again when I grabbed my coffee and sat down next to him.
That was so weird, to feel him that close again, to feel his body heat electrizing me again..
As if nothing has changed.
But everything's different now.

"How do you like this tour so far?" He chuckled, as he leaned against his elbows pressed on his thighs.

"It's good. Thanks for asking." I answered, no emotion readable in my voice.

"Are you enjoying it?" He asked again, rubbing his hands to get some heat in there.

"Yes. I do." I nodded, taking another sip of my delicious coffee, not really sure where is he heading with this conversation.

"Are you happy...?" He asked so quietly I wasn't even sure whether or not he really said it.
But he did. And I knew he wasn't talking only about this tour-time.
My heart skipped a beat, but I ignored it.

Not this time, my anxiety!

"Yes. I've never been happier." I smirked sarcastically, taking another sip of my delicious caffeine drug.

Ed took a quick look at me, as if he was calculating whether or not was I serious, after a few seconds he just nodded.

We were sitting there for a few quiet minutes longer, when he cleaned his throat suddenly.
I didn't look at him, I was staring somewhere into space in front of me, waiting for any shit he wanted to say.

"You won't ask me whether or not I'm happy?" He asked, a little bit offended even tho he was smiling, somehow I felt that it hurt him a bit.

"No, obviously you're happy as fuck, with Cherry and all those people who love you without even knowing what kind of person you are.." I answered him and even I was surprised how rough and cold my voice was.
Ed sucked air between his teeth and met my eyes with curious a bit scared sight.

"And what kind of person am I then?" He raised his eyebrows, a little smirk playing on his face.

I smiled on him with cold heartless smile before I said it, knowing for sure how much this gonna hurt him.


As soon as I said it I stood up and went to our bus, but the imagine of his face turning into the biggest mask of sadness and anger I've ever seen was still going through my mind there and here as my personal punishment.
His smile dissapeared right in that moment I said it and it almost seemed as if he had to fight back tears or something but then his face changed and I saw just an endless anger.

I didn't mean it honestly and I didn't even wanted to fight.
I just wanted to hurt him, wanted him to feel at least a little bit how I felt when he left me there in my tiny old flat.
I chose this word just cause I knew how sensitive are all gingers with those 'ginger hair no soul' bullshits.
And obviously it worked.
Points to me.

And so it begins ...

I thought to myself as I opened the doors of our bus to wake up my coworkers with coffee already a little bit cold...

Things you've never had // Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now